
Who else feels that if you want to be considered for a BCS bowl then join a BCS conference?

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I understand that conferences that arent considered BCS contention should have their shot at a BCS bowl providing they do have an excellent year and beat the right teams getting them in the BCS bowl.

I in fact favor this, what I dont like is the Independence programs like Notre Dame getting favorable treatment. When this team gets back on track, their BCS bid takes away a BCS conference runner up or a mid-major ability to crash the BCS. Me if you want to be in the BCS or considered then you must be in a conference. No more favortism.




  1. I don't know about favoritism in the BCS for Notre Dame, it's not like they're guaranteed a BCS game every year or something. The BCS just leaves a few at-large spots.  The argument for leaving these spots was for non-BCS teams (Notre Dame being the most  prominent) that had good seasons and were considered worthy of consideration.  If Notre Dame has a good season, say if they go 11-1 or 10-2, than that's pretty good considering ND usually plays a pretty tough schedule, it's not as if they would slide into a BCS game totally undeserving.  

  2. I agree.  Unfortunately, money talks.  Notre Dame has the largest following in NCAA football.  That means ticket sales and ratings.  That's why they get BCS bowls after inferior seasons to more deserving programs.  The whole BCS system is set up to maximize revenue, not fairly determine champions.

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