
Who else feels their blood boil when they hear about people mooching the government?

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so i work as a manager at a fast food place, and half the employees collect welfare and foodstamps, and milk and cheese from the government (i had no idea you could). then they call in sick 3 times a week and ***** about how they have no money. i bust my *** there and earn my wages and budget and pay my taxes. they complain about their dinky paychecks, and i get enraged because im paying for their manicures and frivolous c**p they pay for with welfare. they clog the emergency rooms with minor, minor injuries then let the government foot the bill. i'm so sick of freeloaders.




  1. i agree 100%.  The bad part is many of these people keep having babies to stay on welfare.  It makes me sick.  After so many, the government should make them get their tubes tied.  I see them at my job selling their food stamps for half the cost, and buying smokes and beer.  Tax dollars well spent, lol!

  2. Not me.  They are not the problem.  You are.  You're an enabler, you're working and paying taxes so they can freeload.  If you want to stay in the fast food business give up the managers job and become a self employed street vendor and operate a strictly cash business.

    They wouldn't be able to mooch if you and others like you weren't paying taxes.

  3. Is the business okay?  I'm just  wondering half of the employees collect welfare, food stamps ? etc. Anyway, your government can support all these freeloaders as you call  them, with all the taxes collected from you and other taxpayers. More blessings from God for those who help others in need/distress.

  4. We need better higher education opportunities.

  5. Make sure you vote for Obama so he raises your taxes and increases social spending for the programs you complain about!!

  6. You're not a very good manager if your employees all call in sick 3 times per week. .

  7. ***** I agree***** with you.  These *****stealers who earn more than 3 of us combined ought to be ***** thrown into the ***** jail and the keys ***** thrown away! *****

  8. Not everyone is a freeloader by choice pal. Years ago when I was little, our family was on hard times and we needed food stamps, and they helped put food on the table. It sucked, but it did what it was meant to do. Sure, some people are selfish and lazy, but keep in mind that the system is there to actually help people too... having others mooch off it is just a negative byproduct.

  9. And people wonder why businesses prefer to hire illegal aliens?  At least they are willing to work and don't call in with frivolous excuses.

    As for the answer suggesting we need better opportunities that require a higher education, these are they type of people who are not qualified to fill those positions, so what is your point?

    I have some understanding of your situation.  I have a relative who has been a fast food restaurant manager for years.  She averages firing one or more people a week.  She has had people clock in and then declare that they are not going to work.  She clocks them out and informs them that their continued presence in the restaurant without making a purchase is loitering and she'll have the police remove them.

  10. Wow.

    Feel better?

    Let me tell you something about today's "workplace", okay?

    1) The MAJORITY of Americans aren't getting by on what they make--hence those "dinky paychecks".

    2) A growing trend of *working* Americans are now being forced to supplement their food and groceries with state-assistance and foodstamps--because their checks no longer have the buying power they once had 20 some odd years ago.

    3) The MAJORITY of employers don't offer benefits--including covered health insurance--hence the reason why so many of us call in sick or go to emergency rooms to be treated.

    If this is what you call 'freeloading', then I would like to see your new dictionary term for the word in question replace the current version.

  11. It is a sad state of affairs we are all in at this point in time. Our county has for the most forested a climate of dependency among its citizens. Food stamps, free health care, free education, and housing. It won't belong before we are all standing in line for toilet paper. When the Democratic take control of the Congress and White House they will continue their program of making us all wards of the state.

    The government promises to solve our problems but only creates worse problems while taxing those of us that actually work for a living. Take from us and give to them....I guess the Democratic its only fair! Just ask Obama he will tell you!

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