
Who else fell asleep during Michelle Obamas speech last night?

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zzzzzzzzzzz....can you say BORING?




  1. Wasn't that monday??? Guess you really slept!!  LOL

  2. As a Shiek I tuned into Camel Racing

    Pinks All Out AlJazier

  3. Her speech was by far the most uplifting and amazing speech I have heard in a while.  I even cried and it was so pertinent to the American family and how we can all relate.  She was amazing and anyone who thinks she wasn't is just filled with hate.  

  4. Night before last....clearly you have the McCain 'forgetfulness' problem.

  5. I didn't even make it to see her speech.

  6. I'd rather WACTH GRASS GROW!!!!

    Michelle Obama should learn how to applaud. Check her out when she does!  

  7. I didn't get to see it because I was celebrating wins in our Democratic Primary for our local elections in Florida...

  8. NOT ME - she did a wonderful job!


  9. evidently you did and slept for 2 days

  10. I was wide awake, i wasnt watching her though..maybe thats why.

  11. last night...?you mean two nights ago.

    And no,it was actually an incredible speech.

  12. lol. if you fell asleep during michelle i can just IMAGINE what im going to do when cindy attempts to speak.

  13. Ditto!!!!!

  14. That was 2 nights ago.

    I have to word this carefully. I've only had a word of mouth experience of Michelle Obama, so seeing her deliver this speech was pretty much the first time I've seen her speak in public. Having formed my opinion of her from what she's said, I guess I've been somewhat biased, but I hadn't judged her husband in any way because I don't base my vote on the candidates' spouses. Cindy can say anything she wants, Michelle can do likewise.

    Having said that, I held Michelle in a very low opinion, but it didn't effect my view of Obama (whom I used to support, but no longer). I listened to her speech, and didn't find it boring. I found her to be extremely anxious. She kept making the same hand gestures, and her jaw was very rigid.

    When she delivered her "That's why I love America" line, I didn't buy it, and neither did others who were watching the speech with me at the time (btw, these others are people who will vote for Obama in November, so this isn't an attempt to smear). Now I'm not saying she hates America or anything. I actually feel sorry for her, because of the hole she dug herself.

  15. She had one ?

    I was sleeping !

  16. Only fools that can't tell which day of the week it is.

  17. I have heard monkey's at the zoo who performed better than she did.

  18. You're a commie

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