
Who else finds this news story ridiculous?

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It's a horse and it's in Nebraska. What's wrong with people? I read more on this and the horse has lived in that town all it's life. His owner is 76 and has lived there his whole life, too. Now someone has decided this horse is offensive? I find people who waste community time on this sort of thing FAR more offensive than an old horse hanging out in a field!




  1. This happens all the time. In North Las Vegas, Nevada they have had a pig farm in place for over fifty years. Family owned and operated. The farm even has a contract to haul away food scraps and wet trash from the county detention center and two city jails. But, housing developments have come closer and closer to the farm and now those folks living in those new homes want the farm to shut down because of the smell.  

  2. wasting community time & ultimately cruel.

    how dare they ban what's not doing them any harm.

    how childish.

  3. The horse has probably been there longer than the ordinance and certainly longer than most residents.  Typical of people moving to rural areas and later complaining about it being rural.  Animals produce odors.  Farmers work early and late making noise.  Rural areas aren't always quiet and the smell of animals is called fresh air.

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