
Who else gets the feeling that Joe Rogan can't stand Mike Goldberg?

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Mike Goldberg says things that are extremely obvious and a lot of other useless information and Joe Rogan gives him looks that give me the impression that he's emberassed by his lack of knowledge.




  1. Hahaha it is quite obvious in many of the broadcasts that Joe gets frustrated with Mike.  My favorite moment was when Mike Goldberg called Travis Lutter "the Michael Jordan of BJJ" and Rogan promptly countered, "Uh, no."  On Rogan's latest comedy CD someone in the audience asks him about Goldberg and he says he is a great commentator and is a professional sportscaster and the job is extremely difficult.  I have seen Goldberg calling everything from women's indoor volleyball to airplane racing, so he cannot know every nuance of the extremely complex MMA game.  Goldberg is not the greatest, but it could be worse.  If you don't believe me, give a few other commentators a listen.  Mauro Renallo is the only other one that is halfway decent.

  2. LOL. Ya I agree it seems like Joe is a little embarrassed by the obvious things he says. I think they are both good commentators because Joe Rogan tells you whats happening in very technical situations and Mikes comments might be easier to understand for more ignorant people. Hey its more entertainment!

  3. how about a little history. Mike Goldberg took/may still take Brazilian Ju Jitsu under Big John McCarthy. Second he IS taking Muay Thai, mainly to get into shape. It is a team effort to get people to understand the sport. Goldberg asks the questions about what is going on and Rogan answers them. It is because of this style of commentating that have helped thousands(including myself) get into the sport.

    I really hate that people keep bringing up the whole "grappling Micheal Jordan of MMA". this is exactly what he said. When I was talking to Joe Silva the UFC match maker he told me he was the Micheal Jordan of grappling." There you have it, the UFC's VP of talent relations said it and Goldberg quoted him, probably to hype him so people thought he might have a chance against Anderson Silva. And to finish it off there is a video of Rogan being interviewed along with Jermy Horn in which he "Man I love that guy!" he goes on to say how great he is and how good with words he is. He also said that if Zuffa chose himself(Rogan) over Goldberg they would be fools.

  4. I get the feeling that Joe Rogan isn't the only one.

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