
Who else had a Furby?

by Guest44750  |  earlier

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I want to know! :)

What were their names?

One of mine was called Ruby, but sadly called itself "Booby".




  1. I had one! I think its name was AK because it kept saying that. I was obsessed with Furbies I think I collected all of them when they were McDonald's happy meal toys :-)

  2. My sister had one. I had a Louisville Slugger...

  3. hahha I still have mine somewhere. It was black & white. I cant remember its name tho. It used to talk by itself in the middle of the night, pretty scary lol But i remember i HAD to have 1 when they 1st came out. The 90's were awesome.

  4. I had like 6 of them. Even the one that looked like Gizmo from Gremlins. I don't remember their names, it was a long time ago. All I know is that when our garage caught on fire the insurance company stole everything we had, They claimed it was 'misplaced'. So, there went my furbys

  5. I had one it was Giblet, it was POSSESSED! It would wake up and talk in complete darkness and always said strange stuff. I think my brothers messed with it but it was still scary.

  6. i had one, but it couldn't repeat things :(

  7. I never did when i was little i was afraid of them

  8. I had one. I can't remember the name it came with though.

    I gave it the name 'Smelly' because it smelled like plastic.

  9. they are creepy

  10. i did it looked like a cow its name was like... chico or something... i had it and loved it ... until i accidently dropped it down the stairs... then it died.

  11. My older daughter had one named Cocoa, the younger daughter had one named Precious.

  12. those things were awsome! I don't remember the name of my furby, but i do remember that it was anorexic(yes, anorexic) seriously it was always starving but wouldn't eat, i got pretty tired of hearing " i'm hungry i'm hungry"

  13. i had one it broke and kept repeating one word i cant remember whta it was

  14. I didn't, thank god!
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