
Who else had a hard time rooting for either team in the Stanley Cup Finals?

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Being and Avs fan I have a dislike for the Wings, and I am sick of Crosby being shoved down my throat as the next coming of Jesus. I was forced to root for good games (which game 5 and 6 delivered). Did anybody else have a hard time rooting for either team?

When it came down to it I think I was rooting for the Wings a little bit more, which makes me throw up in my mouth.




  1. I didn't care which team won, but it was a very entertaining Finals.

  2. I too had a hard time rooting but I knew that the finals was still going to be a good game and as you said I was routing for the Wings but that was only because of my man Brian Rafalski who is an ex-Devil player. And that is the only reason.

  3. I feel exactly the same way, I was hoping the Pens would go out early in round 1 so I wouldn't have to see Crosby's stupid gatorade commercials anymore.  

    I can understand you rooting for the wings though cause if anyone was rooting for the Pens they had to be having a nervous breakdown every game based on shots and puck possesion by the wings.

  4. no it was pretty easy for me seeing as im a penguins fan however that series was just horrible the penguins didnt show much life and were not very aggresive.

  5. GO RED WINGS GO! i hate the word rooting

  6. im an avs fan (as u can clearly see) and i had no problem cheering against the wings, and for malkin's amazingness.

  7. I had a hard time deciding which team to cheer for, never did decide, but enjoyed the last four games anyway. Being a Leaf fan I was a bit jealous that it wasn't my team in there, but you gotta know I'm getting kinda used to that.

    What's not to enjoy here, an original six team consisting of the elder-statesmen of hockey vs the up-and-comers getting their feet wet at the pinacle of our sport.

    The first 2 games were stinkers, the last 4 were great games. Now the Pens know what they need to improve upon to take the next, final step. They are going to be a powehouse for quite some time. Detroit has a lot of good young players, as always, and is not going away any time soon.

    I don't think we've seen the last of these 2 teams in the finals.

  8. No, I had no problem at all rooting for the Wings but thanks for asking.  Try saltines....might take the taste out of your mouth.

  9. Well seeing I am from Detroit and Detroit is and always will be my team win or loose nope no hard time!! As for Crosby I am so tired of hearing his name he had a few good games but I think a few of his team mates played better!!

  10. well pens didn't win so obviously malkin wasn't too "amazing"

    Congrats Lidstrom, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Drake, and the rest of the wings!

    good series, but the better team won

  11. It was pretty easy for me to cheer for Detroit.  I really wanted to see some of the older guys in Detroit get there last rings.  Lindstrom being the first European captain to win the Stanley cup was pretty cool.  The Pens will have there years in the sun, they are a dynasty in the making, Detroit was just finishing up their own.

  12. i was rooting for the wings...hahahahahha and im a NASHVILLE PREDATORS FAN!!!!!! i think i puked up my breakfast from 3 days ago from that one.haha it kinda shocked me when i was yelling at the tv for the redwings...hahah but i agree about the whole crosby thing. i think he is so immature and whinney. it makes me sick. dont get me wrong...hes an awesome player. but he could get his act together and act a little older and act more like a captain. im slowly losing respect for crosby.

  13. i rooted for the wings!!


    yeah im really sick of the crosby bag of c**p what a freakin punk. he should grow up.

  14. I rooted for the Pens since they haven't won in a while. I definitely don't like the Wings, but I must congratulate  them and give them there due respect.

  15. its easy

    whoever wins wins

    good luck 2 them both


  16. I am a Ranger fan and rooted for the Flyers after the Rangers were eliminated and then the Red Wings when the Flyers were eliminated.  I was sick to death of hearing about the "dynamic duo" of Crosby and Malkin.  I was glad the Wings won.  Both teams played exceptionally well, but in the end, I was truly sick of all the boasting the Pens got.

  17. I would think Avs fans would go for the Wings because they are in the West, and most non-Wings fans are sick of Crosby.  I really think the Avs fans hate the Wings, and Wings fans hate the Avs is just stupid.  I don't think the Wings fans care as much about the rivalry anymore, but let it go.  Back in 2001 when the Avs beat New Jersey, which was during the height of the Wins/Avs rivalry... I definitely went for the Avs.  They had Ray Bourque for one thing, and the Avs were much more entertaining to watch.

    Its never easy rooting for another team in the Finals, but somehow lately there is usually one team that deserves it more, or should I say is clearly better.  This wasn't the case this year.  On paper the Wings were the MUCH better team, and they showed it in the first two games.  But once the Penguins stopped being in awe of the Finals, they scrapped their way to four one-goal games.  I usually go for the team I think deserves it more.

    The only time in the last 10 years that I didn't like the winner was last year when Anaheim won it.  Mostly because it was Chris Pronger raising the puck when he should have been suspended for the playoffs for that hit on Holmstrom in the conference finals.

  18. I'm from Pittsburgh and been a Pens fan my whole life. Naturally, I was very disappointed they lost. I know how you fell, though. Other years I've felt the same way, not really having a favorite during the finals. At least when your team isn't in the finals, your heart won't skip a beat everytime there's a shot on goal.

  19. As you can tell from my icon, no I didn't have a hard time cheering. Since I live in Pittsburgh, and a huge Penguin fan.

  20. Nope- loved every minute of it.

    By the way, that throw up in your mouth? You can spit it out now. We won!!

  21. B Unit, being an Avs fan, how does it feel to know you have a stolen team that had a solid fan base?

    I've been a Wings fan all of my life. You had Quebec City work for years building a winner, then had a cup dropped in your lap.

    I find it amusing how few hockey "fans" in Denver even know the NHL team called the Colorado Rockies ever played there.

    Go ahead, choke on it. You got schooled in the playoffs, Forsberg is done and even classy Joe Sakic has to consider retirement. Foote contributed nothing in the playoffs. You'd better hope those kids you called up from Erie can make the roster next year or you're going to be the LA Kings of your division.

    The Predators are building a scary team in the Central, as are the Hawks. There's no guarantee the Wings will win the division. Trotz has nurtured that young talent, but I say it's time to let Tootoo loose as a scorer. The guy can do more than agitate, as he showed against the Wings.


  23. I had a hard time rooting for both tams as well because I dislike both teams. However, just like you, I was rooting for Detroit a bit more. Though I hereby swear that unless they are facing the Ottawa Senators I will never root for the Red Wings again.

  24. I too am an Avs fan and HATE the Red Wings with a passion. I'm not big on the Penguins either because I think Crosby's overrated. I think Washington's Alexander Ovechkin is a much better player than him. Anyway, I rooted for the lesser of the evils in the Penguins, but I'm happy to say I did not watch a second of the finals, sparing me the torture of seeing the Red Wings hoist yet another cup.

  25. "throw up in my mouth" that's exactly how my sabres fan best friend put it. me being a rangers fan with a strong hatred for both team i also felt the queasy feeling in my stomach

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