
Who else has an "organic " garden?

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My boyfriend's mom has one, it's pretty cool. What do you grow in yours? How do you up keep it?




  1. Tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, onions, green beans, pumpkins, and cucumbers.  

    When you don't use pesticides you have to share some of your produce with insects and other critters (a squirrel ate one of my cucumbers), but you know you're eating pesticide- and herbicide-free food.  I use "organic" fertilizer from a friend's farm--rotted composed manure from grass-fed cattle.  I am fortunate enough to have a well, so my garden water doesn't have fluoride, chlorine, or other chemicals in it.

    Grass and weeds in my garden?  You have to pull them up. It wouldn't occur to me to put deadly chemicals on something I'm going to eat.

  2. My dad has an organic garden. The seeds he gets are organic, and the way he grows them is all natural. We have these fence like things that let this one vegetable's leaves curl along and, and then the actual vegetable hangs from the fence while it grows. Another thing he grows is mint leaves, other herbs, cherry tomatoes, and lettuce (which are both delicious btw).

    He gets up in the early morning to water them, and then he checks up on them later in the evening.

  3. i have one.  i grow all the common veggies.  tomatos, peppers, cukes, squash, beans onions, garlic and i always try something new, like cantalope or eggplant.  i have mostly compost from my yard in the garden.  its been great for many years.

  4. Amazing that people have forgotten how to grow food without the use of toxic pesticides. Organic farming can bear just as much as farming with pesticides, it's just more expensive. My grandfather has an organic farm. He barely ever loses his crop to insects because of the natural methods he uses, which are more expensive than pesticides.

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