
Who else has been so completely obsessed with something that they can't get it out of their mind?

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omg this happens to me ALL the time! I get so easily obsessed with things-and I mean REALLY full on obsessed-and I can't get it out of my mind! I get obsessed with people, bands, songs, tv shows, movies, anything! Then all I can think about is that one thing or person and whenever I am on the computer I search up anything I can find on it/them and if it's a song I put it on repeat like 12000 times! (its never a person I know its usually someone famous or something)

Currently I am obsessed with Tokio Hotel. I can not get Bill's face out of my mind and I keep watching interviews and listening to their songs over and over! I have no idea why!

Is anyone else like this with certain things? Is this normal??



Trisha :)




  1. yeah it's very normal.

    haha, sounds like me!


    i am oppsesed with searching

    alex evans and alex gaskarth.

    lol.. and i am oppsesed with

    skinny jeans lol.

  2. OMG me!!!!!!

    ok ya its normal, my question ima post is what im obsessed with lol, a song from this dream, so i psoted a vid of me singing it :)

    also answer it please, no one answered :((((((

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