
Who else has finals tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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Which one(s) and are you dreading them?

What are you doing to prepare?

I have Global History tomorrow, I am pretty worried, and I am going over all of my notes once again. D:




  1. I have:

    Latin - going to be my hardest final because there is so much information on it and a lot of it depends on understanding

    Civics - Pretty confident about this one

    Science - I heard it's hard and this subject was my lowest grade on the midterm

    I am going over the index cards I made, rereading the books,  and just generally reviewing

  2. I have chemistry tomorrow. I'm going through all my notes right now, and taking another one of several practice tests. Then, I have math on thursday and us history on friday, then I'm done!

    I took global history last year. It's not too bad, I got a 90 on it. I strongly recommend doing the DBQ first, then multiple choice, then thematic. That way, you're not writing two essays in a row and your last one wont be your best because you're tired. Just focus and read carefully, and take a short break inbetween sectiosn that way you don't burn out. Best of luck!

  3. Chem regents tomorrow, of course.

    For global: if it's global 2 (the regents) just look over all the old essay questions and multiple choice. We've done a few in class, they're not too difficult.

    This website is really helpful:

    Plenty of rest/breakfast help too =D

  4. Woo hoo finals! NOT! God i has and english final tomorrow, science wednesday which i havent even started to study for, a math thursday which i am beyond doomed, and social studies friday that i am studying for now. i suck at prioatizing. Good like in global history. I hate finals, just think here comes summer!

  5. i havee math tomorrow and its a regents


    im gonna fail =|

    im so scared !!!!!!

  6. I don't have finals... all done - whew!

    yet the celtics & lakers have a final tomorrow.

    keep smiling!

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