
Who else has had it with the OLYMPICS? One is just finishing and its all countdown to 2012?

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I managed to miss most of the Chinese one but now, its barely finished and entire channels are devoted to the 2012 olympics. They are even going to compare toilet seats!




  1. hate em always have always will.

  2. lol it is i didn't even no. I didn't even know olypmics were ending tomorrow until i read it up today. Doesn't really worry me to much

  3. Well I missed all of them, and even now they are talking about the ones in 2012, well all I can say I am so glad I live in the North and as far as TV goes well it will be like all the tripe that is on my box... it stays off. I would much rather entertain myself on here as it is far more interesting, and it gets quite hilarious sometimes with some of the answers... I love it.

  4. its  better than watching  football  

  5. Take your valium today and it might keep your annoyance at bay lol. I know, it will annoy me too.

  6. So it's safe to switch back to BBC 1 is it?

  7. just soo loking forward to it then eh.

  8. Ten minutes of the beginning, since we were in a Chinese friend's home.

    A repeat of Usain Bolt's run. That was my Olympic total.

    I suppose in the UK from now you will be looking forward to it all. Switch off the TV and set yourself free. Remember what Paul Simon said!

    But the issue that really does sound long, laboured, and terribly hyped up is the run up to the American elections. Desperate!

    Should anyone ask them why they only have two candidates? Why not five or ten? Would that be too much of a choice for the average Joe who can't count to seven? Or would that be too democratic?

    Such a big country and only a choice of two? How come?

  9. I am sick to death of the bloody olympics. Thank God it's all but over. I am not looking forward in any way to the next one, not in the least because once again the long suffering British taxpayer has to foot the bill !  

  10. The BBC Olympics Into music was starting to grate on my nerves.

    I'm relieved tomorrow will come soon enough & it will all be over.

    As for 2012.

    Paris should have won the next staging of the olympics as it was their turn

    The Voting for London was Rigged, when the Greek officials fat finger

    " slipped  "

    well that's what he said happened.

    & it's common knowledge the French still hold malice over the out-&-out con.

    By 2012 will the UK hide away a nation of obese couch-potatoes, hope the visiting journalists covering the games don't ask difficult questions

    ( be it about the Iraq war, our dirty over-crowded hospitals to the selling off of any remaining schools playing-fields )

    Any corruption or arguments over the benefits of holding these games will suddenly disappear?

    All the London Olympics will do is make a small selection of rich people RICHER!

    Any benefit to any ordinary UK tax-payer will be lost in the ether.

  11. It's only two weeks long.  What's the rush?

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