
Who else has heard that wireless radio waves are possibly contributing to the killing millions of birds?

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If the story I read is accurate, it is pretty alarming. Especially considering what could be done about lowering the amount of these waves, since most people would probably not give up their cell phones for most anything. The article says if it affects birds now, other species are sure to follow.




  1. I think, so far, this is a bit of a rumor.

    I have never seen any hard science for this.

    It appears to be an Internet phenomena right now.

  2. I did some work this past year on the nearly 1/3 of North America's honey bee population vanishing and a similar number in scattered areas across Europe.  It was tied to cell phones and TV towers pretty quickly.

    The PBS program Nature did an outstanding episode on this (see link below) titled "Silence of the Bees", that was exceptionally informative.

    It turns out (Colony Collapse Disorder) CCD has been linked to a virus that came to Europe and North America with bees imported from Australia. Not cell phones and radio waves!  Penn State University helped make this breakthrough just recently and has already begun working on bringing an end to this hive affliction.

    This gives a window to judge radio waves and birds.  This idea was mentioned almost as an off-the-cuff statement at a conference looking at the struggles migratory birds are facing -- as means to explaining loss rates on traditionally safe migratory passages for a number of species.

    Turns out radio waves play little to no role in this issue.  Collectively the stunning increase in power lines, tall glass structures and the sweeping loss of habitat that provides vital stop-over resting and eating grounds are the culprits to these bird die-offs.

  3. Actually, this is the first time I have ever heard this. I would have to wonder where the story was written. If it is accurate, then im not so sure there are many other species it can affect, considering birds live up one of the highests, and spend most of their time in the open air.

  4. I believe it is just an Urban Legend. I really dont think Radio Waves could kill a living organsim.

  5. Radio waves at high enough intensity CAN kill an organism. Microwaves are in the same frequency band as long wave radio. Sailors and soldiers who used to keep warm standing in front of radar dishes have developed cancer as a result.

    I've heard this rumor (would be nice if you posted a link to where you heard it) but you would need a lot of power to drop birds dead out of the air. Perhaps the radio waves could have a long term effect, or interfering with the birds' navigation?

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