
Who else has more advice for Am I.. and How can I ... Questions?

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How many others are tired of these types of questions and want to just say...

Can I be pregnant?

Yes, if you had intercourse, you can be pregnant.

Am I pregnant?

How do I know, did you have s*x?

How can I make money on the internet?

Get a job that requires that.

No, you spend all your time on yahoo answers.

How can a 13, 14, or 15 year old make money?

Mow lawns, babysit, do chores, help people with yard, house, garage, clean ups, walk dogs, wash windows, newspaper routes.

Am I pretty?

According to who or what criteria?

Can I be a model?

Sure why not.

Feel free to add your answers for all these questions and more.




  1. Some may be legitimate some not, easy if you are sick of them, just ignore them and go onto one's that don't bother you, same as watching movies, if you don't like, don't watch

  2. can i be a model?

    why not

    am i pregnant?


    how can i make money on the Internet?

    look up for jobs and pick a job

    how can a 13,14or15year old make money?

    garage sale, help with garden, baby sitting,sell chocolates,find beautiful shells and sell them,do showsin the city

    am i pretty?

    of corse u r

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