
Who else has noticed that Restaurant food sucks now a days?

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It seems like everytime I go out to eat the food sucks and then I feel bad for waisting my money on yet another crappy meal,any one else feel the same?




  1. Yes, some times. And, why do they hardly cook the green beans and vegetables any more? They say they have more nutrients, but if you can't eat the undercooked beans, then why bother?

  2. I have! I have!

  3. It depends on which restaurants you go to. But once I find restaurants that have good food and service, and of course good pricing, I tend to go to those.

    But when the quality of food at a restaurant begins to deteriorate, then I'll stop going.

    But there's nothing like a home-cooked meal. I'm glad I learned how to cook when I was younger so I could make myself some luxury meals at a lower price than what they charge at a restaurant.

  4. Absolutely agree whole heartedly. One of my friend A lives on campus, and so we went out to eat on campus together, and it shocks me the kind of food they offer. So i bring him to my home and cook for him something healthy. I have eaten in the university's cafeteria, but the quality have really turned me off.

    People need to eat, but they may not be blind to quality. I have seen salsa and ketchup sitting in the little jars and cans for months (such are reasons to go home and cook something better).  PS: There are still good restaurants out there that serve fresh and good food. They tend to be a bit drive 10 miles to a superb Ramen store or vegan store off campus that cost around $3-$5....The gasoline may not be so forgiving, though. T__T

    2 weeks ago another fellow offered to buy me breakfast and coffee for early morning. (I SHOULD have insisted NO) but anyway, the coffee is......(>_<) The kind of chemicals they're putting into today's fast food/fast drink, esp the ingredients really raised doubts whether we ought to consume them (and spend so much) or should we cook at home. Who don't love to have a garden to grow something nice to eat? Something like a kitchen garden that u can grow food and use it for aesthetic purposes at the same time....

    You know what, so long those doing the cooking is making use of fresh ingredients, the food should taste balanced and nourishing. Have you being to Fresh Choice Vegetarian salad buffet (or Sweet Tomatoes?) Vegan restaurants seem to taste less yucky (I have yet to try a yucky one LOL) Or one of those vegan Indian restaurant. Went there with another fellow, Mike, and he AGREE that after a meal of naan bread, home made Indian coffee and vegetable makes (him) the entire system feel really purged and cleansed. It doesnot feel like overly stuffed or grossed out after consuming Taco Bell (he is a frequent @ TB).

    I agree with Denise. Even some of the meat are totally uncooked. The soup sometimes taste like they have sitted for over 3 weeks in the cauldron and they just add water and re-boiled it. If businesses and restaurant focus on LOW cost  instead of always putting quality and customer health concern first....then....we better question the kind of fast food we're buying....I mean, customers are *not* that ignorant....we know it when the stuff doesn't feel right on the tongue...or the soup is expired ...or the greens is half raw LOL.

    As all humans are lazy sometimes, we just want to evade our duty to cook and ran to the nearest TB, Carls Jr, Sushi or Ramen's really is better to cook at home (if it is possible to do so). Being overly dependent on restaurants is no guarantee for essential vitamins, nutrients, or even expanding our own personal creativity in cooking. aka *The Joy of Cooking*

    #Get cook books, be creative, use your imagination, selective quality fresh ingredients @ reasonable prices and cook them yourself (with love and assurrance that hopefully it'll turn out more edible than the crappy cafeteria version).

    PS: in (my) university, over 60% of the tuition fee goes to the school .and they can't provide slighter more satisfying dining experience at slighter lower price? ($7.50 for 5 pieces of sushi is not very nice to students you know.......Unless you make $40/hour......but still !! >_<)

    #. Summon the will to eat less outside, and cook ur own, regardless of temptation (which will just suck all revenue off ur hard earned cash along with gasoline prices).

  5. Ok, I work at a local restaurant. First off, the chain restaurants are precooked, premeasured, and pre whatever. I know of people that have worked at these restaurants, and they have told me, plus you can tell by the way the food looks exactly like the menu.

    I know the food proveyors, not sure of the spelling, and they sell to the gourmet restaurants in town. It's the same food, only different ways of presenting it.

    Now with the prices going up in fuel, these restaurant companies are charging more for delivery. So our boss has downsized the portions by .7 ounces, (meat weight). Otherwise, she would have to jump the prices.

    The fuel thing is just crazy. Even at the grocery stores it's raised the prices.

    One of the answers is about veggies being crispy. That's what is the "new" thing. If you want soggy veggies, then open a can.

    As far as the food being crappy, I think you eat out too much. We used to eat out alot, and now we don't. And we felt like you. But now we enjoy when we go out, about every two weeks.

    It is a shame when you waste money on food you don't enjoy. But it happens. What's your take on frozen food? It looks soo good until you microwave the c**p out of it and it's ruined!!!

  6. Not all restaurant food sucks.  Yes, the big chains mostly serve mediocre c**p because they are more concerned with the bottom line than truly satisfying customers.  Most of my favorite restaurants are single owners who actually suffer a hit in the pocketbook when business suffers and go out of their way to please you.  However, if you are of the opinion that ALL restaurant food sucks (and cannot be psuaded otherwise), then perhaps you should learn to cook.

  7. I must say that every time I go to TGIFriday's, I'm never disappointed with the food, maybe the service but that seems to be at every restaurant these days!! Can't find a good waitress/server. Other than that, the food elsewhere does get worse!

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