
Who else hates keeping to a strict diet when weight training?

by  |  earlier

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i've been weight training for about a year and i've kept my diet clean, and stuck to a diet of plenty of protein and good carbs, but i find it so boring just wondering if anyone else who is weighttraining felt the same.




  1. I've been doing it for over 2 decades.  the diet is what separates the big guys in the gym from the wanna-be big guys, it's 80% of the equation.  I follow a strict diet Mon-Fri and eat what ever I want on Sat and Sun.

  2. I hated it. But i was training for an event. I was a semi professional boxer and during my training i would eat salad, chicken breast, egg white, cooked veg, protein shakes, porridge oats, and fruit. I hated it, but i down to fighting weight while improving my musculature and strength. After the fight, i would just eat whatever i wanted.

    To be honest, if your not actually training for an event then there is no point in having a real strict diet. Just eat fairly well during the week and at weekend have 1 blowout meal. There is no point in having boring meals you dont enjoy especially if there is no real goal to aim for other than looking good, which you will anyway.

    Its all about sensible eating. A balanced diet, but you have to enjoy your food

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