
Who else hates laundry day and cleaning day

by Guest65478  |  earlier

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I'll trade in housework for a huge candy bar!




  1. Only if ironing is involved.

    My Best

  2. OMG


  3. i hate it too

  4. Not me!! I would have to hate every day then lol...I prefer to clean as I mess up daily..It only takes an hour a day this way..and can be done at leisure other than having to Freak and ruin a whole day doing it in a frantic mission to try to get it done..

  5. I like to do laundry but don't have any particular day I do laundry it can be relaxing while doing laundry especially if you do it early morning when you are not rushed for time and having nothing else better to do, the smell of fresh laundry also revives you so it makes you more apt to want to do your laundry or can motivate you to do it Good Luck !

  6. hello sweet bre well i hate laundry day too i wish i had a laundry girl do mine for me


  7. Me, Me, Me... those are my least favorite things to do.

  8. I can't tell you in words how much I hate it.  It seems endless and at times I just stand there thinking that it is never ending.  i wish I was more organized.

  9. I've been a homemaker for 8 years and I'll take being a mom/housekeeper over working for someone else any day. It's a lot of work but it benefits me and my family rather than going to work for a business that benefits it's owners.

  10. Funny,I sometimes wear my mp3,while doing

    house work,laundry etc..I also don't let laundry pile up,so

    that there's not alot to do all at once. The worst part is folding and putting them away.

  11. I enjoy cleaning and laundry. I actually get excited about getting to do laundry and clean the house. Then I feel very accomplished seeing the house clean.

  12. IF I hated laundry day and cleaning day, I'd hate every day of my life. I have learned to embrace it, make fun of the day, and enjoy myself (believe it or not!) When you're a stay at home mom, all you seem to do is chase after the little ones, clean, and do laundry. I have a load in right now! I do an average of 1.5 loads per day! Some days I'm lucky and don't have laundry to wash. If you do more housework per day, you will have less of a "cleaning day." Try breaking it up a bit!

  13. I'll do anything to avoid housework. Like spending hours on here :P

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