
Who else hates the Yankees?

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longest list why you can't stand them gets 10 points




  1. I HATE the Yanks. Here's why:

    - Rude, classless, and arrogant fans

    -Hank, Hal, and George Steinbrenner. Enough said.

    -$3 trillion dollar pay roll.

    -Im a Redsox fan.


    -The entire organization is cocky

    -I hate Brian Cashman.

    -I lost my dollar once in Albany in a vending machine, and Im about 100% positive that money went toward their payroll!!


    -They dominated my sox like no other up until about 2004

    -Johnny Damon (trader). Wade Boggs (trader). Roger Clemens (trader).

    -The "NY" baseball hat is in every rap video, at every mall, in every color, in every style, and it no longer represents baseball but a fashion trend.

    - Every last one of them is an ARROGANT @$$ HOLE

    - The media makes them out to be the greatest franchise that ever existed.

    -Did I mention Im a Redsox fan?

  2. @yankee fever

    I'll tell you why.  The sheer arrogance of the team.  Their dress code and facial hair rules make them appear as pompous, wealthy, arrogant players that are on a pedestal.

    The team doesn't foster a team attitude.  It stresses individual achievement and recognition over team chemistry.  What is worse is the fans condone this attitude which only exacerbates the problem.

    The announcer with his "theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YANKEES WIN!" is the most conceited call in all of sports radio.  Any team that announces a win like the whole world needs to stop what it's doing to recognize them is the mark of the most self-centered announcer and team in sports.  Newsflash: teams win each day.  Yet nobody does it as pompously as the yankees.

    The fans are as obnoxious as you can get outside of cubs fans.  They have no respect for others and take the spirit of watching a game and flush it down the toilet.

    Just by their location, they have a large market and so ESPN feels obligated to air more yankees games than any other regardless of how many people hate the yankees (for the list of reasons I'm busy typing at this very moment).  The other teams in the MLB just don't matter because that's just how fantastic the yankees are according to ESPN.  In other words, the Yankees have done nothing to deserve the amount of exposure they get other than merely exist in the league.

    The owners of the yankees have been doing their best to destroy the spirit of teamwork for over 30 years.  The steinbrenners have single handedly turned the yankees into a team of greed, arrogance, and sell-outs who enjoy the game for money more than the game itself.

    That list should get you started on getting a clue as to why people hate the yankees.

  3. Can't give you any. I have LOVED the Yankees since I was 4 years old and won't stop being a Yankees fan for anything.

    Here's some things for you haters to consider, though:

    - All fans of a given team don't act the same. (i.e.: all of us aren't arrogant or loud.)

    - Most of us are real deal baseball fans who love the game as much as you, if not more.

    - Most of us didn't join up in '96.

    - The Yankees are the most successful franchise in North American sports. You don't like it? Whatever. It's a fact.

    - We understand that haters are gonna be around. Success breeds contempt - and now Red Sox fans, who have their own bunch of loudmouth, know-nothing fans who go mainly go to Fenway with dirty "B" hats on to drink or to look cool, are starting to see that. You know it's bad when you've got a bunch of people who say they're Sox fans and they're really just going to be "edgy" and can say they're cool because they didn't hop on the Yankees bandwagon.

    - Most of us respect the Red Sox and their real fans. We might boo them and always hate them, but the respect is there.

    - New Yorkers, by and large, don't give a d**n what you think. You know why? We're too busy watching the Yankees.

    And now, for the usual repetition to end this missive: LET'S GO YANKEES!!

  4. Hello DKM27 :

         If yer a rock-steady Cleveland Indians fan, like I am, then, you absolutely DESPISE The Yankees !

  5. I don't & have been a fan since 1970 & I hate no team, not even the Red Sox, but I may dislike them

  6. The answer is simple. Because they are just a bunch of self absorbed self centered egotistical nimpcompoops.

    I have never disliked then because of their  payroll (that's a lame excuse).

    Also (as my father used to say), if you DON'T hate the yankees you are NOT American.

    It's that simple.

  7. no !! Who is the guy on the first base

  8. Another brilliant question, from someone who obviously has no life and no friends.  Anyone who wastes time creating a list like that must be a very sad, angry person, just like you.

  9. You and these clueless ppl who answered this question just goes to show how jealous and pathetic you ppl are.It really is sad.If your not a yankee fan your not american.......

  10. I simply hate baseball, don't care about it and yankess are to narcistic. They think they are the **** and they are not. Its pointless and stupid seeing how people get so obessed with that c**p

  11. As the old saying goes, "Let them hate, as long as they fear."

  12. They are the Yankees

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    They are the Yankees

    Their fans


  13. A-Rod

  14. I'm interested in all serious answers to this question. Usually when I ask people why they hate the Yankees, the answers are along the lines of: "Because they suck!"

    I'd like to hear why people have a hatred of them.

    EDIT for omegabar: I didn't intend to come across as clueless. Objectively speaking, I could come up with a whole list of reasons as to why people might hate the Yankees. I feel that, even as a Yankees fan, I have better reasons than half the people who simply tell me that the Yankees "suck."

    I am genuinely curious to see how many people have actual reasons as opposed to those who just want to say, "Oh, they suck."

  15. you gotta love there short derek jeter and a-rod and pitcher

  16. why hate


    love is the anwser to all our anwsers

  17. I love them!!

  18. I do not like them because:

    1.)They do not come feom my area. I live in CA.

    2.)I do not like their owners.

    3.)They had a knack for beating on the Red Sox and I always liked the Bosox.

    4.)I can not stand A-Rod.

    5.)I can not stand Giambi.

    6.)Their fans are the most obnoxious fans other than Cubs fans (in my experience).

    7.)I tend to dislike teams who do well for a long time unless they're my team. I root against the Patriots, and Yankees.

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