
Who else hates voicemail?

by  |  earlier

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I have three different voicemail systems that I need to check daily. Two of them, both business lines, I can do nothing about. But my home phone's voicemail is fair game.

I hate checking my voicemail so much that I took action - I recorded a long greeting where I read the first paragraph of "The Old Man and the Sea" and then say "If your message is urgent enough to have listened to me read the first paragraph of The Old Man and the Sea, then please leave it. Otherwise I will return all calls I see on the caller id".

Who else hates voicemail? What steps do you take to stop people from leaving you unnecessary voicemail messages?




  1. ha ha ha .....what a great idea!!! I just love it!

    yes........I also hate voice-mail.....its such a waste of my time to sit there and listen to all that totally boring stuff.....but you just gave me a great way to do my recording!!!

  2. Ha. I hate it too. That's hilarious though, I've never heard of anyone reading boring books in their greeting in order to prevent voicemail. In order to stop pointless voicemails I recorded an obnoxious song for the first 20-25 seconds and then at the end said "leave a message if you MUST"

    works most of the time. I like your idea too though

  3. You have a home phone.... do you have a cell phone too? If yes, why? Ditch the home line and the issues and just use the cell. I haven't had a land line let alone an answering machine in least 9 yrs.

    Or you can simply forward your home calls to one of the other voice mails so they all come to one place to check. I do that with emails. I have a few but instead of checking each one, they all forward to one main email.

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