
Who else here has ever had a bit***y friend?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, i have this ''friend.'' Rlly i sit at lunch with her and this other blonde chick b/c i have no one better to sit with. Anyways, freshman yr she was cool. Now, at lunch, she totally ignores me and talks to the other girls, shes extremely cold towards me, she rolls her eyes whenever i walk past her, and talks rudely to me. strange enough, i still consider her a friend.

What's the worst thing a friend has done to you?




  1. had a friend spreAD RUMORS ABOUT ME BEHIND MY BACK- GOT RID OF HER if someone does that they never were a friend to begin with

  2. bitc* slap her, then fight and ull hate her like she likes u.. ot woorks great. do if off school grounds tho.. lol

    worst thing a friend ever did to me u mean like 11 years of my life devoted to her 2 years old till 13 years old.. every dieing minute with her,, and i got stabbed so hard in the back with her lies and selfish bitc*y ways that the knife come through the other side..

  3. Called me a b****.  But seriously, if she acts like that why sit with her? I'd honestly rather sit by myself than sit with someone who won't talk with me and rolls their eyes around everytime I walk by.

  4. well, nothing too terrible but my friend, is always bragging.. if i say something she's got it better.. she tries putting everyone down even tho she's ugly.. lol  

  5. My friend let her children's father/boyfriend believe that I was sleeping with a man she was actually hooking up with.  He went and told my husband (he is my ex husband now).  It caused confusion between me and her boyfriend for years.  He kept telling people that I was cheating on my husband with that dude,calling me names, and telling her she shouldn't hang out with me.   All the while her and the dude kept kicking it (for 6 years at that time) and she has never owned up to any of it.

  6. If you still consider this person a friend, you don't think much of yourself.

    Maybe it's time to learn what friendship is all about -- it's certainly NOT about ignoring each other and making rude gestures, like rolling eyes.

  7. Omg. My freind is HORRIBLE.

    Once she got mad at me for accidently poking her in the eye with a pen and I'm like "Im sorry, really I am" and she wouldn't tlak to me for days!!! D=< And now she thinks I'm her friggin best freind!! Dx

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