
Who else here thinks Germaine Greer is a legend?

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I love how she says what she thinks and isn't afraid to do so and her opinions are often right on the mark.




  1. She is a classic iconolclast, but sometimes talks out of her backside. That's normal with intelligent people.

    I don't like her views on stealing other people's partners, but I'm sure she doesn't care what I think.

  2. She's creative and entertaining. I will give her that.

    Even if we don't agree with something..if it can make us laugh and intrigue us to keep reading, why not?

  3. I think it is good to have someone like her. We need different voices on these kinds of issues, even if you disagree with them.

  4. It isn't too hard to "sparkle with intelligence" when you choose misogynistic opposition who often fail to pass a basic rationality test

  5. Yep, long time fan, although I probably don't agree with about 75 per cent of what she says.

    In a world that's steadily becoming more 'grey' and 'middle of the road', it's great to have people like Greer who are outrageous, outspoken and whose every utterance is sure to get people drawing a line in the sand.

    Whether she's abusing pool old Crocodile Guy or spitting chips about Big Brother, she certainly is never shy.

    The Female Eunuch was the first feminist book I ever read, and it iontroduced me to a world where people thought about and challenged the status quo, instead of grumbling about it and acting like we were just all victims of fate.

    Re-reading it today, I know there's a lot I now regard very differently, but I cannot imagine my life without having looked behind that door!

    I also love how she's lived her life out loud, saying things many women are feeling, and creating a space for public conversation about issues like parents, menopause, passion and ageing.

    Cheers :-)

  6. I personally see her as a vain, amoral and attention-hungry academic charlatan who seems to prefer to make publicity-grabbing one-liners rather than contribute anything useful to society. She has been churning out drivel for some 40 years now. Here is an example from 2001:

    "God knows how many women already have no use for their men, who are all too often idle and incompetent both as wage-earners and around the house, uninterested in the children and hopeless in bed…"

    God knows how anybody ever paid any attention to her poisonous & nonsensical offerings, let alone give her a job at a university.

  7. I haven't read much by her (a copy of the Female Eunuch is around here somewhere), but I agree with you.  I love her candor, fearlessness, wit and sparkling intelligence.

  8. Sorry but no.  She has no tact and is past her use by date.

    Feminism was never meant to be about hate or scorning men, she doesn't have a place in it.

  9. WHO????

  10. A legend in her own cess-pit of vitriol, hypocrisy, self-indulgence and irrelevance.

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