
Who else is SICK of 'Palin' questions in this section?

by  |  earlier

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There seems to be a lot of American political campaigning in the Travel-Australia section at the moment.

I don't object to the questions, but I think they should be in the right section.

What do other Aussies think?




  1. As an Australian - I am wholeheartedly SICK of the whole American campaign altogether.  I can't wait for the Melbourne Cup to be run!  Not only will I get a day off work; but it will signal the end of all this US political nonsense for another four years.

  2. im over american politics in our news every day.. WHO CARES? australia needs to stop trying to be a mini america and focus on itself a bit more or even a couple of other countries, i was watching the news the other day and they thought it worthy to put the beginning of madonnas new tour in the 6 o'clock news i mean WTF? thats really ground breaking national news

  3. I find we are more concerend about their politics then OURS!

    But then again we DO need to know which guy our Prime Minister is ar5e-kissing (especially if it is someone like Howard)..

  4. I think those Americans should stick to their crazy sections. lol.  

  5. I'm with you on this one!

    American politics don't concern us, or do we even give a c**p?

    ... maybe these yanks are so un-educated they can't even put their questions under the right category.

    Look at world map people - Australia is a long way from USA !

  6. Yes, totally agree.  Why can't they realise that the US is not the only country on the planet.  We're just not interested in their politics.

  7. Every thinking Australian here is sick of these stupid questions and must question the reasons why they are posted here

  8. I'm American and I'm getting sick of them.

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