
Who else is SO proud that we won the Rugby tonight?

by  |  earlier

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England won 14 to 9 against France in a nail biting, edge of the seat, throat screechingly fantastic match. Anyone else feel so proud of our lads they want to say on here?????

I am sssssooooooooooooooooooooooo PROUD of you all!!! Who else is?




  1. Really, really happy but actually happier that it was a great game, no fights, clean play, exciting finish, good rugby.  

    Jessie K what ARE you on?

  2. Very happy for them

  3. not happy at all england didn't deserve to win

    jessie k : shut up

  4. Im not even a English man and yet im very happy! hahaha xD

    -AB Supporter.

  5. I'm Welsh but happy to say Well Done England - my other half is English and he's delighted.  Its good that they won after they had been virtually written off before the Cup started.

  6. OMG, Thank you for saving me 5 points, LOL next we're going to win the d**n thing(again:-))

  7. I am quite proud....I am not getting carried away about next week, though.

  8. it was a very good match and fingers crossed for next week england can do it again and be the best in the world,


  9. Yes great to stuff the frogs, wilko is a god

  10. well so we will beat u again next week(south africa) 36-0

  11. Kin F kn fantabulous   Kin el ther best

  12. I am very happy for the England team, it makes a nice change for England to win at something.

  13. x. so proud, x

  14. very proud. Its soo nice to here england doing well at something! RULE BRITANNIA!

  15. yeah   really  chuffed  for them

  16. Did you play? Then you didn't win- you WATCHED.

    And this is America.

  17. Congratulations England, I'm disapointed (I'm french) but I must recognize you were the best this evening !

    I will be in London next week and I will support you, but be carefull it will be difficult ....even against Argentina.

  18. YES YES YES!!!!!!

    ME TOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    could I just make it known though that should sebastian chabal need some comfort I am free for the night...

  19. Oh yes, there's something about beating France that makes so more satisfying!

    I remember the last world cup I had to work, so had to listen to the match on the radio, now that really was nail biting!

  20. Shosholoza!

    Go Springboks!

    Don't worry, we'll go easy on you in the final. (Not more than 20 points or so.)

  21. I am so proud me too, my friend.

    I am French, but I hate my team ( especially for their arrogance).


    Thank you so much !!!

  22. Soooooooooooooooooo Proud, Well Done England, xxxxx

  23. I don`t think my old heart can take this again. Well done England.

    Jessie K: Do us all a favour - SHUT UP!

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