
Who else is annoyed that kids are growing up too fast?

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Ok I'm a kid and at my school the 2nd grade girls wear make-up,they all cuss,and the kids that are 8 years old and up are talking about or having some form of s*x and it's not just my school it is everywhere.I'm 12 and I don't want to wear make-up or carry a purse or dress like I'm in my 20's I don't even want a boyfriend yet but it seems like most girls my age act like they are going to die if they don't have a BF or whatever and it is so annoying.Who else thinks it is?




  1. Well, maybe you're just growing up slower than others. At 12, I was carrying a purse and dressing classy(I've always been into fashion). Obviously, you don't know that practically every girl wears make up in middle school. Yeah you are a drama queen. You are not a parent...You're still a kid yourself!And its not everywhere...No kid and I mean NO kid under the age of 9 talks about s*x in my city. My city is fairly small, but it has more kids than adults. We have 8 elementary schools. Not one kid under the age of 9 has ever talked about s*x. I know this for a fact because my mom is a para-educator. In 4th grade, they give you like 2 days of s*x ed! You are being a drama queen.

  2. lol I'm 12 too and well I'm pretty much wat u just said....... I didn't like make up either but when I tried it, it looked good on me and ppl agreed so I kept wearing it......... I do hate the fact that pretty much every girl has to hav they're lil g*y purse I don't do that I find it g*y and well I do want a BF but I just do want one but it's not just cuz im tryin to be like everyone else!! but u kno wats weirder I became a girly girl and I h8 it but I try to stop and I just can't lol I use to be a tomboy who loved soccer and use to hang out with all the HOT boys but now I hang out with girls and all we do is talk about HOT boys lol but it's ok u might change 2 but 8 years old kids talkin about s*x that's??? MESSED!

    Oh and btw yeah I think kids that are 8 should be playing with barbies and toys i think till they're like 10 or 11 and I don't think they're parents shuld buy them iPods and Cell Phones i'm 12 and I just got my first one UKWIM???

  3. Somewhat.Kids today just want to grow u although I don't.Kids just wanted to be cool and tried to fit in.I mean you've got to be kidding me.2nd graders wearing make-up?Okay I do wear make-up only for speacial occassions.My frieds told me to wear soem make-up because I look better w/it.i think adults have something to do with it.Maybe they hear there parents cuzz or someone thought them how to cuzz.I mean wear purse but not that often though.My mom said its lady like.Maybe kids chose to be like this.When I was 14 I had to make a choice of either being like everyone else or just being me.I know how to fit in but I just chose not to.I mean whats the point?

    I wonder what will happen when these kids grow up.

  4. I think your parents would be very proud of you if they were to read this question. I have 2 daughters and one is about your age. I hope they are like you  when I am not around. But yes kids are in way to much of a hurry to grow up. The sad part is when people are grown up most of them wish they were kids again without all the worries. I grew up with a class of 19 kids and 2 of the girls were mommies at 15 and Grannies at the age of 34. I asked them both how they felt about being moms and grandma's so young. They both very much regret that it happened at least 8-10 too soon. Stay a kid while you can because you have 50-75 years to be grown up.

  5. Kids nowadays are under more pressure than ever to look good and act "naughty". I mean its rediculous!! I was at the beach the other day and there was this 9 year old and his little brother saying ", and i mean 2nd graders wearing makeup is just unnecissary. I didnt start wearing makeup until i was 14, and i would only wear a foundation. i didnt wear eyeshadow, blush, or eyeliner.  

  6. I agree. I'm 13 and people in my grade were hooking up and even having oral s*x on the bus! When I was in third grade, kids were cursing and talking about s*x.

  7. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. I dont believe 8 year olds are talking about s*x, swearing and wearing makeup. Them girls need to be taken down a peg or two. Some of the things girls wear! Oh my dont get me started, little girls need to be little girls. Having phones at 8, ipods at 6, WHAT! Little kids need barbies, toy trucks, not adult things. Good on you for staying young, you will have plenty of time to act like an adult and sometimes its not very fun so enjoy being carefree.

  8. If this is true then it truly is getting worse. I'm a senior in highschool and I remember my fellow students talking about s*x and getting boyfriends and girlfriends in middle school of course I never bothered to get in with the crowd. Now it's happening in elementry school?

    What's next?

  9. im 12 i dont curse alot only when im with freinds when we joke around. but isn't that a good thing then you can buy your parents stuff. ive had a cell phone but i never use it. does it really matter? i like having a gf even tho it never last a long time.

    but it kinda did annoy me when sum of my girl freinds started acting more girly. but thats a part of life so ill live with it. they are still my freinds

  10. Its stupid, I don't understand why people are trying to rush their childhood

  11. that first comment - theres no need for it!  

  12. Really?

    Well I'm 15 and don't wear makeup, cuss, have a boyfriend... I've never even kissed a boy!

    It's sad that people these days can't enjoy being a kid.

    Miley Cyrus sure isn't helping.

  13. No, it's not everwhere.  Where I live, girls don't wear makeup until middle school.  Maybe you should ask your parents to move someplace else.

  14. It shouldn't matter what these children do. They have parents that should be worrying about this, not you. But it's great that you're thinking about it and not following the crowd.

  15. OH MAN ITS GETTING WORSE !!!  Im 17 and a senior in high school and most kids didnt have s*x until they were in middle school.   s*x at 8 years old is very scary. But so is any other underaged s*x.

  16. It drives me nuts. I have an 8 year old that I'm petrified will begin her period next year. most of what you see is a lack of parental guidance. Many parents today just push the raising of their children off on the school systems and daycare. It sounds like your parents, in some form or another did their job. I actually volunteer at my daughter's school so I can keep an eye on her and who she's involved with.

  17. wow, you exhaggerate too much!   what a drama queen. ......

  18. I know what you mean, but there's nothing anybody can do about it, unless their parents step in.

    And normally, I don't see any 2nd graders like this, so where are you living?

    But its society these days, I pretty much expect it now.

  19. Why worry about what everyone else is doing you weirdoe!!!!

    let them do whatever the h**l they wanna do!!!

    Y should u care??? and thanks for the points too!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D  

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