
Who else is boycotting Absolut Vodka for their anti-American Ad?

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  1. Not me.  If I boycotted every company that has a stupid advertising campaign, I'd never be able to buy anything.

  2. LOL If I were a drinker of vodka, I probably would avoid Absolut.  I would be afraid of becoming delusional if I drank it!  I can just see the drunken brawls in Mexico and the plots of conquest!  

    [As I recall, Germany made a similar offer to Mexico during WWII, if they would only help Germany invade the US.  Mexico said No.  I think we can stay friends with Mexico.]

    Of course, if Absolut were to publish an anti-Taliban Ad, I might be persuaded to forgive this silly Ad....

    Even though it would be equally foolish.

  3. Many missed to notice that the French company Pernod Ricard bought the brand Absolut Vodka about a week or two before this ad was released...

    And it' happens that the French are notoriously anti-American since decades, and that Pernod Ricard was notoriously involved in dirty operations against North America.

    Check for that with all these names on the web and you'll see by yourself...

    Here lies the answer, guys. And yes, we all must boycott those nasty folks.

  4. I think its harmless.  Many Mexicans already believe the U.S. stole territory from their country.

  5. No bigdeal, I never buy it anyway.

  6. I'm with you.  What were they thinking???

  7. If I weren't a Muslim I'd buy it everyday JUST because they had an anti-American ad.

  8. I already don't buy it so I guess I can say I'm about boycotting it.

  9. That is a blow below the belt, what were they thinking, seriously wow, and we didn't steal any territory so they can quit their whining, it's called the Mexican War.

  10. Take it with a grain of salt, a boycott would be a waste of time.

  11. Not me... The ad is about Absolut and the world before Absolut was was introduced.  According to wiki, Abosolut started in 1879.

    All the whiners claiming anti-American sentiment are probably the same Republican whiners complaining about the US being too politically correct where women and minorities not being able to take a joke.

    Geesh... Don't these people get it?  Are they now wanting Absolut to be "PC"?  which is hypocritical in my book.

  12. The ad is illustrating the point that in an Absolut world, things would be different. Let's see -- there are people out there who have demonstrated their antipathy toward the US by flying planes into buildings and you call THIS an attack. Silly and sophomoric, sure, but hardly an attack.

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