
Who else is completely stressed with a dozen thoughts in the mind?

by  |  earlier

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Are those thoughts being a right pain in the ar*e? go on, dont be shy, share it with us - unless if its too personal, dont bother.

We're all loving and caring people aren't we?

Well actually thats a complete set of b*lls.

Nevertheless, in the midst of an era where everything is automatically digging itself into a deeper bucket of cr*p, please dont hesitate to talk about all those little thoughts clinging onto your head. And give advice when possible!

Personally, a million things revolve around my head right now. imagine picking one of these thoughts and unwrapping them to reveal its contents. the contents are what you have to get rid of but the unwrapping bit is what you have to get through, dont mind the philosophy.




  1. *psst* have a mojito, you'll be fine and chillin' you'll  be chilling and the biggest problem you will have is what youtube music vid to play next...

  2. don't worry, be happy

  3. yea, you see, sometimes im having a super sh*tty day... then i go to work (i work at the local hospital) and see people with wounds all over their backsides so deep i can see their spine, crapping all over themselves b/c they cant hold it. bleeding from the nose and mouth b/c the bi-pap machine dries them out to badly they have constant nose bleeds but they cant take it off even to eat b/c if they do ther O2 saturation will drop and they will die very fast and its all b/c they just couldnt stop smoking. oh yea, and most of them are only 45-60yrs old.

    i see that and realize that my probs... arnt really all that bad.

  4. i could not agree more but if we all freaked out then we would really be in world of s**t, right. Hang in there!!


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