
Who else is feeling really depressed right now? your sun/moon/rising?

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i'm a cancer sun, aries rising and taurus moon, and gosh..i've been so upset these past few days. to make it worse people seem to be a lot more bi*chy with me on Y/A and in real life lately.

odd. anyone else going through the same thing?




  1. i was, over the last two-three weeks over work issues and jealous, immature co worker. if there aint such things as work ethics, i swear, i would shove my unpedicured foot down his throat!!

    this week is the recuperating week, im just keeping to myself, doing my own thing, when asked just giving one liners, keeping a low profile and more of a background person. yet im ever ready to strike back, when nudged, even slightly. sensitive mode, id say.

    infact, i talk more online, than in real life, this week! lol.

  2. I'm happy like always.I feel like going out with a bunch of friends and singing and dancing and making everyone laugh and make everyone make me laugh [hahaha].

    Leo sun,Sag moon,Aquarius rising! :D ~

    Err..since when is being happy a crime?5 thumb downs? \:

  3. I have been going through the exact same thing since Friday and I don't understand why. I am extremely emotional with no real reason to be.  I have no energy and I'm just blah. I hope you don't think that my response on your other post was bi*chy because I honestly did not mean for it to come off that way.

    People haven't been rude to me really, just unavailable. I haven't exactly made myself available to them either---sort of withdrawn. I'm wondering why the h**l it is I feel this way.  It IS odd indeed!  

  4. my friend is a cancer and yesterday he said he had been feeling down lately for no good reason

  5. I have been depressed for nearly a year now.I ***** at everyone and cry for the stupidest reasons because i'm trying to let out an anger coming from a different problem. I hate when people say they understand what your going  through and when they start to talk you realize that they dont understand anything.




  6. I haven't been feeling depressed lately but the past few days I have been VERY detached, three times more than what I usually am. Things that should bother me don't and seem to bounce off of me and I feel like a walking, breathing robot with no emotions. It's a very weird and kind of scary way to feel. It seems like I'm "hollow" on the inside or something. I guess this is what people mean by feeling empty. It would be nice to feel something, anything at the moment.....

    Then again, maybe it's actually a good thing for the time being.

  7. I have been overly stressed and depressed.  My home life and love life is a disaster.




  8. I am too actually.. It's the summer blues I suppose... It will get better. Don't worry.

    Taurus sun Cancer Moon Leo rising

  9. I'm feeling more of a bored, kind of mellow mood right now. But yesterday wasn't the best day ever, we all have those days.

    It isn't always easy is it?

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  10. I felt depressed yesterday and today morning, but right now [night] not really..I'm a scorpio female with libra rising...

  11. I honestly haven't felt depressed for a while now... and I'm Pisces... >_>

    Think about that for a second. This overly-sensitive and silly Pisces isn't depressed so why should you be?

    Hmm... If I teased Cancers, would you go back to your old, hyper self? I won't mean it but do you think it's worth a shot? o_O?

    You see me act silly here on YA! but that doesn't mean I'm never down. I always take time to cry. I view sadness as very similar to... p**p. It's painful if you hold it in so you have to release it.

    This video should help. If you remember why they sang it, it can thaw even the coldest of hearts.

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

  12. I haven't really been depressed just in deep thought for the past few days. My mood goes from ok to sad but the main one I keep coming back to is frustration. Aquarius sun, leo moon, and gemini rising.

  13. ive been feeling upset 2! i feel as if every 1 is against me or something or every 1 is sad, & its rubbing off on me. :[ i cried last nite, i have no idea why tho

  14. Hey sup

    Yeah I hear you cancer..I Think at some point everyone has that time where they get depress and sad, life is difficult, and we arent perfect. I know, why can't we be happy and stay happy...but thats not the case, I also have times where I need to get away from everyone and find a peaceful spot where I can get to think, and get everything together, or else I'd go nuts. Don't worry about it, this time shall pass, but you should def take some time for yourself and do some thinking, good things, bad things, how to improve your life, meet up with friends and have a chat about life. But yeah don't worry everyone, no matter how perfect their life seems from the outside, has their times where life gets to them and they have to struggle and put up a brave fight, just hold on.

  15. Wow, I try not to show my feelings-or talk about them, but I have been feeling sorta down lately too.

    I keep getting made fun of on Myspace about really touchy things that I don't like talking about, none of my friends are talking to me and school starts in nine days....

    Oh well, it could be worse.

    Put a smile on, everybody come on! xD

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  16. I have been a bit depressed,and I have had this feeling that I want to rip someone's head off!but these things happen,u just have to keep ur self busy with something and forget about being depressed,it works with me!

    I'm Leo sun/Capricorn moon

    hope u feel better!


  17. I have been over stress since last wednesday ; and I am still stress . I do not know if its the lunar eclipse who gave me the courage ; but I put out of my life someone who had taken enough [ juice ] from me for the  last 39 yrs . Oh do not worry its not my husband . I am a Libra  

  18. I have noticed a bit of strange vibes between people in general over the past few days and actually wondered if it had anything to do with the phase of the moon or the alignment of the stars (or even a combination)! Yesterday in particular, I noticed so many people sort of stressed out with no apparent reason as to why. (I work with the general public in case you were wondering) Even my coworkers were easily agitated and/or disoriented....with no real sense of why...we were all (coworkers as well as customers) in fairly good moods - just easily agitated and annoyed! I could definitely see dramatic events easily occurring from this!

    Try not to let it get you down - sometimes that is what other people want! To know that they can get to you and even ruin your sunny day! I say don't give them the satisfaction of letting them know you are bothered by it! Smile big at them and walk away - it will bother them more than it will you! If they try to follow only to try to upset you more - try to be overly nice to them, all the while smiling really big - be as agreeable as you can (even if you don't mean it)...they will leave you alone and probably end up realizing that you have had enough and playtime is over! It's a scary thing to those kinds of people that go out of their way to upset you if they think that maybe you have unhinged a bit - lol - this will make them afraid of you if they see a crazy stupid smile on your face when they know you should be upset they will run in the other direction pretty quickly once they catch on to it! LOL! I love doing this to those types of people! It lets them know that I know whats going on - I don't appreciate it and they better watch out once my nerves have settled!!!!!

    Hope this helps! Chin up! Don't give others the satisfaction of making you doubt yourself....who cares what they think!!!!! They aren't the ones living your life! If you are a minor - try to suck it won't be too long until you will be completely responsible for yourself and will have no need to answer to others unless you want to!!!!!


    ****Can you tell it's been a long day already for me? LOL! I've answered a few of these already and keep forgetting this part every goes:




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