
Who else is glad harry potter 6 got pushed back?

by Guest33735  |  earlier

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thank goodness! the next harry potter movie has been pushed back to summer of 2009. we all know that the best movies come out in the summer time, so i am thrilled to have this to look forward to next year. in my opinion, this was a great idea on the studio's part.

anyone else agree?




  1. i think harry potter hi stupid it disrespects God and uses witch craft and wizardry witch i feel is evil


  2. I'm a little disappointed cause I have to wait, but Twilight took the opportunity of the absence. So yay =]

  3. Disagree, because there's probably issues with it -- editing, re-shoots, CGI stuff, sound, etc. that they're trying to wash over.  If it was THAT Good.. it would have been released earlier/ahead, like now in August and this summer... while the kids are still out of school.. not BACK.  You never know what can happen next summer -- and right now, the Batman $$$ are drying out and there's NOTHING out there, really. Potter would have been an excellent Aug. release (moved up just 3 months, instead of back 8 months?).. not good.

    She isn't writing any new books, the longer they wait for the 6th, the less of an audience they'd have (it could be uncool, by then). A year is a long, long time to a teen or pre-teen and tastes can change.

  4. i am kinda happy but not really. i wish they didn't push it back in the summer of 09 i mean it just to late they can play it like January and February but not SUMMER OF 09!!! and the first trailer came out three weeks ago.

    my sister is turning 21 this year and she said "all i wanted for my birthday was harry potter"

  5. I'm a  huge Harry Potter fan!!!! I was alittle disappointed when i found out. I was so execited to see it in November. But I guess I can really wait till July....It is true though...all the good movies come out in the summer=)

  6. i disagree. i feel that it was a greedy move.  all the other movies have opened up around november time, and i know so many people who were looking forward to it.  its a huge dissapointment to the loyal HP fans.

    although we will still go and see it, ofcourse.

  7. I'm happy because Twilight took it's date that means we all get to see R Patts that much soooner!  Awesome, although I was looking forward to the HP movie too.

  8. I M and you know y i m answering my 12th board exams this year. Release time clashes with my preliminary exams. So no distraction.!!!!!!!!

    I also m more exited to c it in july.

  9. I wish they would push it back indefinitely.  I for one could do without a new harry potter movie every six months.

  10. I hate Harry Potter

  11. I am sort of in the middle.

    I LOVE Harry Potter and I was sort of disappointed and sad that they are pushing it back until next summer. I was expecting it to come out soon. :-( BUT....

    I am also happy cause since its gonna be on summer next year, I still can reread the book again and again. Also, I never read Twilight but probably I could watch it this year.

  12. You know the only reason they moved it is so they could possibly make more money off of it. How many kids are going to see it at the midnight showing on a Wednesday or Thursday, especially if their families make them do things for Thanksgiving? Not as many as can watch it every day for a week during the summer. I saw an article, and apparently the movie is done, some big wigs have already seen it, simple fact is, movies make more when there are more people able to go to them, obviously.

  13. im not a harry potter fan, but my aunt is a HUGE fan and she is not happy because the faster it goes in theaters the faster its on dvd and she wanted it by christmas.

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