
Who else is happy Novak Djokovic lost today?

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Who else is happy Novak Djokovic lost today?




  1. I'm happy, because he had the audacity to call out Federer!

    He'll grow from this experience, however.  Lesson: have to win your matches BEFORE you reach the semi-final.

  2. I'm not happy he's out. Hewas one of the few players that could give Fed or Rafa a run for their money.Lets hope Safin can go far now

  3. ME!  

    Novak is funny, but arrogant.  I'm glad that safin beat him in 3.

  4. I'm happy. I think he's a good player, but, is getting a bit ahead of himself and needed a reality check. His mouth was yapping a mile a minute, and he needed to shut up... look at Federer... talk about a class act. When he loses, he blames himself, when he wins, he says the other player was great. The guy is one of the best athletes in the world, and never runs his mouth like Novak. Again, I think Djokovic is good, but, this loss (especially to Safin, who, while good, is certainly no grass expert) will be good for his character.

  5. I am! But that's because I stole all my ex-gf's money and put it all in for Djokovic to win!

  6. I wasn't really happy that he lost though I don't like his arrogance but I always wish him best and hope he does well and I enjoy watching him play, but I knew it would happen because Novak went out there assuming he could play Marat like he's on the practice court and Marat's emotions would plague him and he'd beat himself. Novak made allot of idiot comments last week in a press conference about Federer being "afraid" and how Novak was a contender to take over and things like that and inevitably I figured he would have his a** handed to him because of his arrogance. Honestly it's really good for him he needs to stop acting like he's the greatest tennis player on the ATP because he isn't, he's won one slam he's got a long way to go before he thinks he'll be like Rafa of Fed. I was rooting for my Marat to at least push Djokovic to his limits. But I kind of had a hunch that Marat would likely beat him because though Marat is a 2-time slam champion he's been off form for some time but when he's at his best Marat can handle anybody and really everyone was seriously doubting Marat. But Marat was the exact oppsite of what Djokovic usually is, Marat was calm, cool, serving phenomenally, making good shots and he handled Djokovic like a rookie. Honestly it should make Djokovic learn to stop talking smack so much, he's a good player and so talented, but he's just beginning to reach his potential and becoming way to full of himself.

  7. Me. It's a good lesson for him.

  8. me!!!

    in fact it was the best news i received today.

    it's just that i think it's his arrogance that makes him disliked by most of the people i know...

  9. As someone else has said, not so much happy he lost, but happy Safin won. I have always loved to watch the big russian play as he has such passion and he will never die wondering. GO SAFIN!!

  10. i am not happy he lost... not at alll... i liked him, wanted him to go deep in the draw, and i do not care that the haters and the ignorant people who do not play tennis think he is arrogaunt...

    but i give full credit to marat safin for pulling off this big feat.. good for him..... i hope he does well

  11. i am he was sooooooooooooo arrogant

  12. MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

    The arrogant fool finally got put in his place.... Who else better to do that than the Amazing Marat Safin!

  13. Me-  I like Djokovic fine, but it was so wonderful to see Safin play well.  I think Safin is the most interesting and at times the most exciting player to watch.  You see his emotions.   He is completely transparent on the court.  And when he is at his best his tennis is amazing.

  14. Honestly, me. Becos I want Roger Federer to win Winbledon again this year!!! One of his biggest treat is Novak.. but I feel a little bit sad to see him out from the game so fast. I thought maybe he can last till Qtr or Semi-final...

  15. I am happy Djokovic lost today because he lost to Marat Safin. So I guess it would be more appropriate to say that "I am happy Marat won".

    It's nice to see one of the old guard show the young guns (especially ones with big mouths), that they shouldn't take anything for granted.

    At the peak of his powers, Safin is a better player than Djokovic will ever be. He has the most natural talent of ANY player on tour, save perhaps for Federer. He's a 6.4' guy who is built and who moves like a 6' athlete.

  16. Thrilled! His self-proclaimed "fresh, new talent" wasn't so fresh today. I hope Marat's straight-set win opened his eyes to the fact that he is not the world's greatest player. Marat is the man.

  17. i am not happy

  18. Me Me Me

    Very Happy he lost. I dont like his arrogance

  19. I didn't see him winning this time around b/c there are better players in the mix but not so soon.  Marat did his thing Novak didn't-just wasn't his best tennis today.  Better next time 'suppose.

  20. Me, he is a great tennis players but he started acting like he is god given to tennis, the best player in history of tennis. He played vs Safin like he is playing some kid who just started playing. He acts like when he is out on the court everyone else should kneel and worship him. I think he ll be fine and will be in top for a long time but I am glad, this maybe will teach him not to talk c**p about other players ( top players) and start working on his game more.

  21. Bliss

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