
Who else is happy that Sarah Palin is McCain's choice?

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I think that will work well for Obama;-]




  1. I am only happy that her candidacy will help Obama. She's a right wing idiot

  2. Hey Persian Kitty

    I like it. Since millions of people think JahonMahCane will fall over dead any second. It gives us a great chance to have a woman president.

    Face it women make better decision makers than men. They manage households all over the world. Women feed, wipe the noses and care for the health of the entire worlds population.

  3. The Democratic Party.

  4. me she is awesome!! I never thought she was even in the running!  It is a great thing.

  5. I'm a Republican, and I'm ECSTATIC about her selection.  Sarah Palin is staunchly conservative, young, energetic, pretty, personable, quirky in a good way, and eminently media-friendly.  In a word, she's awesome!

  6. I think it's great for President Obama.

  7. yep, since obama picked a 30 year liberal insider with no new ideas. cant think of a reason that it is not a solid pick.

  8. Hah.  I could not possibly be any more elated by McSame's choice.

    J. Sidney "Songbird" McSame has pretty much all but guaranteed the presidency to Obama by choosing Sarah Palin, a first-term governor who received on-the-job training and whose prior "experience" consists of a seat on the city council of a town with a population of no more than 8,500 and a brief stint on the Alaska OIL & GAS Conservation Ethics Commission under then-Gov. Murkowski's corrupt adminstration.  (ANWR drills are anxiously awaiting.)  Palin has long portrayed herself as a "reformer" and a pillar of honest-government, though she is currently being investigated for abusing her power by firing the state Public Safety Commissioner for refusing to fire her ex-brother-in-law over a "messy divorce."  Talk about bad-timing.

    However, once of the biggest reasons why McCain's chances are dwindled is because, unlike McCain, Obama, and Biden, Sarah Palin has not been AIPAC "certified."  Two months is not enough time to be thoroughly vetted and officially be Zionist "tested & approved."

  9. I am!  She's awesome!  

  10. The election just got easier for Obama.

  11. My catlishios one ,McCain chose Sarah Palin so he could get control of Alaska,s oil reserves for the big oil corps and you know what lets not forget that republicans stole the last election due to voter fraud IT COULD WORK OUT THAT WAY AGAIN one must never underestimate CORRUPTION even with 100,000 DNC supporters in the house McCain could still trump the deck at election time...chow mi lady YOURS DINO

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