
Who else is happy to know Barack Obama will NOT be our next president?

by  |  earlier

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oh don't worry unfrozen douche bag....ill be here because i can guarantee ill wake up on nov 5th knowing mccain WILL be president.




  1. obama is the worst! everyone who agrees with me should go vote him down on this page.. you'll get a free gift card if you do!

  2. You can't see it, but i'm holding my arm way up high!!

  3. I still think that the majority of our country is not stupid enough to elect him at least i hope so.  McCain is not my favorite but anything is better than Hussein OBAMA

  4. Please get a life before then!  Wow you 'old man river' supporters seem to think about Obama more than us! That's def a sign of uncertainty* and for everyone else how about a little research before listening to the hype on OBAMA i promise it dosent require that much brain work! lol....Mrs. Clinton have him deported...  what an idiot!!!  

  5. d**n skippy! Nobama'08....Biden:hahahahahahaha

  6. Count me in among the happy...or at least relieved.

    Even some of oh bummer's zombies are beginning to realize that the lying, racist bigot will never be our President.  Here on YA I'm already seeing words like "another stolen election", "voter fraud", "rigged machines" and if that ain't the early signs of a spin on his defeat I sure don't know what it is!

    MOST people will vote John McCain to become our 44th President!

  7. lets set a date for you to eat your words lets say november the 5th.

    i will be here . but somehow i doubt you will make it.

    ahhh insults the last weapon of the desperate...

    the date is in  my calendar i will be here waiting for you.....

    i will even supply the crow for you to eat

  8. thanks for letting me know. to bad i dont believe you.

  9. what??

  10. Me

  11. I will be and I hope Hilliary gets Obama deported with her lawsuit.

  12. I am

    If you want to know my view of the liberals.

    Than look at my avatar!!! LMFAO!!!

  13. John McCain

  14. You know by saying this you are jinxing yourself and therefore, Obama IS going to be the next president.  Thanks for doing that.  

  15. It's going to take more than good intentions to get McCain elected. Obama has at least $500M in Saudi money to buy the Whitehouse.

  16. You need to put away your tarot cards. Obama is putting more distance between himself and McCain in the polls... and the fireworks are just about to start. Get a good seat.

  17. I am lol...


  19. You all were over confident in 2006 when you lost all those house and senate seats.

    In this case you don't even have a reason since McCain has been a mess from the start and  is not leading in any poll.

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