
Who else is happy with the high prices at the gas pump?

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It's about time that American's realize that we are not the only ones on the planet. We represent only 5 percent of the World's population; however, we consume 25 percent of the world's energy. I'm glad to see prices climbing! Maybe now American's will realize that we need to CONSERVE and stop driving the wasteful SUVs to the fast-food drive thru windows and then want to just take a pill to slim down.

The U.S. automakers should make smaller cars so, if you're seriously OBESE, you'll have to diet or walk. Also, maybe people will also examine what they are spending their money on... Stop trying to keep up with the Jones'




  1. I was, until I realized that the average American will prefer to see the entire country crumble into ruin before they give up driving alone in their SUV 10 miles each way to work every day.

  2. I'm not, not at all. It's a pain in the butt. Also, really classless to make it about weight.

  3. I am american, do not drive an suv, do not stop at fast food joints. I walk and bike ride at least 10 miles a day. I am not happy with the gas prices. I do not keep up with the Jones. If I work hard for my money I should decide where I want to spend it. No I am not on welfare and I am not rich but I live within my means. No credit card debt or car loans.

  4. Yep! I'm with Pedro...I wouldn't mind the decrease in consumption and forced conservation as long as the price tag wasn't as high as it is. Think of all the people involved in transportation and distribution...It trickles down to us all.

    There are a certain amount of businesses and people in this world that can't simply say 'maybe I'll trade in this passenger jet for a bi-plane', or, 'maybe I'll swap my cargo ship for a dingy with an outboard electric motor.'

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for conservation, but I think It should start at the top, with the government-but that's a whole 'nother sack of potatoes I don't want to open.

    Focus your question or get a blabber blog my righteous brother in the battle that needs to be fought with action.

  5. nice rant...too bad high oil prices are causing 3 rd world starvation...

  6. raising gas prices is not the answer to all the worlds problems unfortunately it goes a lot deeper than that,none of us are happy to see people loosing their homes because the cant pay for gas for work,we do realize the importance of conserving fuel,unfortunately we all do not have that choice to make,some have to use a lot of fuel to make a living,but everyone is suffering because of it,i do agree with one thing auto makers should be making more fuel efficient cars,that would help a lot,but even we cant blame them for the current situation,its the amount of people that are burning the fuel that is creating a lot of the problem growing population  means more cars on the roadways,so the simple answer is find an alternative fuel,your version of happiness differs from mine slightly ,but everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the subject.

  7. If that makes you happy, I'm happy for you.

    I'm not happy about high prices . . . after all, who wants to spend money on gas when you can enjoy a movie or a dinner out!

    One of the good things to come out of this is that research is now being launched into alternative fuels, alternative sources of energy and other ways of getting around.  The oil monopoly may soon be over.

    And when a monopoly is overcome by competition, lower prices are the inevitable result.  

    What the socialists in government meant to use to destroy our economy may actually result in a benefit in the long-term.


  8. In a way, I guess you're right.  It's probably better for us in the long run.

  9. Patrick L wrote:

    In response to I <3 Suby, you are right. Are economy is not like those of foreign countries. Our economy is based on Consumerism, buying things that we cannot afford to impress people that we don't even like. Are food is over-processed and our people are FAT, LAZY and STUPID. Our youth are more concerned with being pop stars, professional athletes, etc. and invest little time or effort in their education.

    I'm just curious.  How many airplane trips have you made in the past 3 years?  What kind of education/degree/certifications do you have?

    You reap what you sow, and you are right.  I think the problem in U.S. runs deeper than that.  When is the last time you took public transportation (rail/bus/subway)?  Many of us would like to conserve but unlike 3rd world countries, we can't walk to the hardware store, walk to the grocery store.  The nearest bakery to my house is several miles away (and I live in Las Vegas with almost 2Million).  The sure thing is that it will continue to be about 25% if we are either a productive or unproductive nation, because our cities are built with segregated zoning...all residential in one area in town...all commercial in another...same for industrial.  More research will continue to be done with alternative fuels, but isn't it interesting the many things that have been on the moon...sattelites...yet there hasn't been a viable fuel that has convinced car manufacturers.

  10. It's causing starvation in this country too.  I understand we have been paying less compared to other countries but our economy is also not what those countries are too.  With such a low minimum wage and the average income so low, the gas prices are hurting a lot of people in more ways than your little brain can comprehend.  So be happy that the economy is going to ****.  It's far from a good thing for the country.

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