
Who else is in a funk mood like me?

by Guest32957  |  earlier

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idk what it is YA but i've been very unhappy lately. I've pushed friends out of my life and have an even meaner attitude than i normally posess.

I have FMS so constantly being in pain already keeps me angry. But I've over done it..... I was just wondering who else is feeling like me and why?

*please don't give negative comments, i'm just communicating with my fellow Yahooers..thanxx*




  1. I feel your pain!!

    i moved to a new school and everyone hated me

    *the kids from my old school hated me becauses i moved and the kids from my new school hated be because i was new!!!

    I was a straight A student but then the hatred kept me from thinking right and i soon became a faliure

    teachers and my parents were dissapointed about my grades!

    Im grounded and all i have is my phone tv and computer!!!

    kids make fun of me everyday!!

    and i really hate my life!!

    *****everyone found out where i live and they egg my house everyday****

    I HATE LIFE!!!!!!!!!

  2. you have to find the things that drive you to be happy like  going after little goals that you ahev wanted to after for years or meeting new people or just plain trying t odo the impossable

  3. i feel your pain. ive completely isolated myself. for me its because my parents have such high expectations of me and i just cant take it

  4. Girl, I'm always in that mood. it'll get better, i promise.

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