
Who else is indescribably sickened by what happened to little Tiffany Wright?

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I heard this story on the news today about the little 3yr old girl who's mother left her to starve to death, this makes my blood run cold, women like that should be nuetered like dogs and not allowed to have children. As a mother i cannot imagine why anyone would do such a thing to a child, their is no excuse for such treatment, I'd starve myself rather than not feed my child. Whats your opinion?




  1. I can't believe a woman could treat a child this way, let alone her Mother. I just can't fathom why anyone would do this. Surely someone somewhere was concerned for this child's welfare? I hope the 'Mother' is subject to some Summary Justice inside. My heart bleeds for this innocent child's suffering.

  2. yeah erm thats prety bad but think about the third world countries that we jsut dont get told about...

    kids born into starvation.

    kids abandoned cos they were accidents or are unwanted

    kids forced to fight in war

    kids trafficked

    sorry but one girl being left to starve is a very tiny drop in the ocean of problems that the western world ignores or doesnt know about.

  3. The should put that mother somewhere and starve her.

  4. yes

  5. First and foremost I totally agree with you...with one exception..that the neutering should be done minus anaesthesia and prolonged..oh and let's not forget her sugar daddy (who only got 5 years btw) where was he ? how did he not see that poor wee lassie suffer to such a degree and do absolutely nothing at all ?.  I am so angry right now - sorry if I ranted but I need a blood pressure tablet (or 4)

    This is what happens when two sociopaths meet and reproduce.

    May Tiffanys' God smile generously upon her, she has earned her wings from my God anyway.

  6. This vile 'Mother' was not a drug-addled r****d.She is well educated,& ran a pub.She was heard to complain that her dog was too fat,at the same time as her daughter was dying of starvation.She did not get what she deserves from the judge,with a bit of luck,she will get it from prison inmates.

  7. The human race has been morally and intellectually declining for years.  Nothing surprises me anymore.  I'm an American and believe in basic human rights for all...assuming they are intelligent and mature enough to appreciate the responsibilities that go along with being granted such rights.  Obviously, some people are not.  In this case, they should have their rights taken away because they are nothing more than children and should be treated as such.  Not everyone should be entitled to having offspring just like you would not let a 5 year old legally drive a car on public streets.

  8. If they had allowed that to happen to a dog they would have got a stiffer sentence.Absolutely disgusting.

  9. I agree.  And the sentence she got was a joke.  No wonder this is happening more and more, there is no deterrent and all those benefits for single mothers just encourage those with no morals to have kids.

  10. I am in agreement with all the answers. This Woman wants a good whipping then throwing into a dungeon for her to starve to death. She isnt a Mother she is one vile creature, and her partner(whatever ) wants putting in the one next to her. The pair of them should be tried for Murder because that is what it is. She will be out in about six or seven years, and I hope someone gets to her one dark night......The bi...!

  11. A little earlier to night a question was asked about the death sentence. Here we have a classic example of why in should be reinstated.

  12. 15 and 5 years - an absolute abomination! Why was the murder charge reduced? Surely it was a premeditated and sustained torture.

    I really hope that both of them never have a decent nights sleep again and that they have the hardest time in jail ever.

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