
Who else is mad that Harry Potter comes out July of 0'9?

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And they are putting twilight in its place? I wanted to see Harry Potter soo bad!




  1. yes that sucks like a lot it would be like a better movie (not a better book though) than twilight since twilight i think is a relatively low budget movie but 09? i think that like way to long

  2. It's a little illogical that they moved the harry potter movie to July because they say that college students would be home and everyone would have more time to see it...BUT usually Thanksgiving is always a good season for the box office. and plus more people will be traveling in the summer outside the states and wouldnt be able to see it right away either AND they already released the trailer....personally, i think they are trying to top dark knight...which wont happen

  3. I think this belongs in the movie category?

  4. This is not fair. I want to see twilight but I can wait for that one to come out. I don't see why Twilight can't be moved instead!


    i almost cried when i knew the bad news ?!!

    I MEAN WHY HARRY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. i was so disappointed when i heard that harry potter is being pushed back until next july.  that's almost a year away!  i was so looking forward to that movie coming out in november and i was so excited when i saw the preview for the movie in theaters the other day and then the next day finding out that it got pushed back.  its not fair.

  7. I agree.

    They said it because they say kids will have more time to see it then than the original timing in November/December. Now I am kind of ticked off because I would like to see the show down between two movies.

  8. I'm basically ready to murder Warner Bros. They have absolutely no legitimate reason to do this. They've already released promotional material, the film is on the cover of the fall edition of Entertainment Weekly, and the movie is finished.

    And they're pushing it back EIGHT MONTHS solely for more money.  

  9. It doesnt have anything to do with Twilight, Summit and Warner Brothers are two different companies. It's all about money, they said more people will be able to go see it in the summer months, because last year Order Of The Pheonix made almost as much money as Socerers Stone made, and it was released in July.

    It really sucks they would move it back THAT far! I think true fans will turn out reguardless of when it's released, then again there could be a problem they arent telling us about. But no worries they are already working on the next one!!  

  10. They aren't putting twilight in it's place.

    WB puts out Harry Potter

    and Summit puts out twilight.

    Summit just saw the chance when HP moved and took advantage of it.

    I would be sad about HP but the longer we have to wait the longer we prolong the end so that's cool.

    I'm also kind of glad twilights 3 weeks sooner, though, I'd like to prolong that too.

  11. You know, maybe they did do it for money. So? Isn't their goal to make money?? And Maybe there's something they aren't telling us. I mean, maybe there is a production issue, but they aren't saying so.

    In any case, this is a movie question, not a book one.

    EDIT: I don't think this is really Twilight-related. I think that Twilight was moved after HP was.

    Also, I'll be able to go to the midnight showing without having to worry about school the next day.

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