
Who else is moving to Canada if John Mcain becomes President?

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QUESTIONER: If we don’t reenact the draft, I don’t think we’ll have anyone to chase Bin Laden to the gates of h**l.


MCCAIN: Ma’am, let me say that I don’t disagree with anything you said.

In June, McCain said it would take an “all-out World War III” to make the draft necessary . which seems to mean he’d consider it. In July 2006, when asked to react to Newt Gingrich’s claim that “You’d have to say to yourself this is in fact World War III,” McCain said, “I do [agree] to some extent.”

Asked about the draft last September, McCain said, “I might consider it, I don’t think it’s necessary, but I might consider it if you could design a draft where everybody equally could serve.”

Considering McCain’s vow that “there’s gonna be other wars” and that we could stay in Iraq for 100 years, a draft might seem reasonable to him.

He is hellbent on starting WWIII...

And considering if he did get elected when he heard the news hed get so excited that he'd have a heart attack, I hate Palin, she'd make a horrible president. She has a 85% approval rating because she hasn't been in office long enough for people to hate here for s******g up.




  1. You are exaggerating, & ignorant

    Ill help you pack  

  2. don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out

  3. promise?

  4. Every election people promise to expatriate but decide against it.  Would suggest the province of British Columbia since it has marvelous scenery, skiing, hunting, kayaking, and whale watching.  Vancouver is a gorgeous cosmopolitan city which you would thoroughly enjoy.

  5. You're not helping the cause of liberals who claim they love America by asking a question like this.

  6. Hopefully you and all the bleeding heart commie libs.

  7. Bye bye

  8. We're lucky because we can do that.

    Where are the cons going to move when Obama wins? Saudi Arabia? Iran?

  9. You've obviously already decided you don't like MCain, so you'll take anything he says and twist it to fit your opinion.  Please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a democrat who attempted to re-instate the draft nearly as soon as the dems took over Congress?  It may have just been rumour, but if not, what does that say about your party?  This is more of the same fear-mongering I've come to expect from the libs.

    Cardboard boxes?  Really?  The only thing Obama will change is the level of government interference in our lives.   Do you really think any government has ever given away anything for free?  He's made a lot of promises in his speeches, and has inspired a lot of people with his talk of Change.  Be aware that his definition of change and yours are very likely completely different things.  

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