
Who else is paranoid or always has Global Warming in mind a lot, besides me?

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I want to know so i'm not the only one. I know we're all going to die anyways, but I just don't want to die soon. Gosh, these people and their unhelpfulselves! =*(




  1. I don't I really do not care. "it's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine"

  2. Yes I am worry too, but is so sad to know we as Humans are destroying our own planet, and is more sad some people don't even care and don't do nothing to change this problem, Eny way people like you and me can't change people minds but we can help a little to our own word doing our part, may be we are one of the last ones that will be destroy by mother nature, Cause mother nature is so beutifull but, she never forgive, just enjoy it while you can and don't feel bad for caring is good to know there is some people who care and I hope you do your part. Is the best thing you can do

  3. yhh they said oh how in

    2010 how the world is goin to end

    and how there is going to be a huge war

    and oh how war gonna get hit by and

    astroid and all die out like the dinosaurs

    but i dnt think its true OH IZ IT???



    I THINK IT B*******

    when the olimpic come to my town aswell

  4. The only thing I am paranoid about global warming is the new taxes and lifestyle laws they want to impose.

    As for 2012 it's all speculation and non scientific gobbeldy

    g o o k.

    (sorry for the seems **** is a censored word.)

    If anything is going to happen it most likely will be some comet that hasn't been seen yet and it scared the h**l out of those that don't know the source of them....or they really know something we don't and we are all doomed.

  5. Not me I don't really care.

  6.       Water vapor is 95 percent of the greenhouse gases, by volume.   only 1percent is CO2 blamed on the industrial revolution. Notice that clear nights cool off rapidly, cloudy or humid nights do not. Think of nights in the desert.

       Media loves a good scare story, scientists like to get funding for research, and political hacks would like to gain control over our use of energy.  If you study the sceptics view  of global warming, I think you will be less alarmed.

       here's a good article, for starters

  7. Well and that is why Global warming is taught to the kiddies, Hitler used the same tactics to try totake over the world in ww2, it is nothing more than a new tax on industires and wealth. GLobal wealth distribution at its finest, Dont worry you will grow up one day become a conservitive and laugh at how silly you were as a teen.  

  8. I agree with other people. Everyone is going to hold their breath on New Year's Eve 2011. Then the year is gonna change and nothing will happen. BS the world will end a long time from now. Where did that come from anyway? 2012? Probably some paranoid scientist who had nothing better to do than make up a date for the end of the world.  

  9. well i have to agree with you...thats what i mean about the majority of the least there are a couple people out there that still care..people that say they dont my opinion..have nothing to live for..i have everything to live for and if it could only be one person that could change the world and did..then this world would be a better place..i am sure the parents or these people,,or these people's children..wouldnt want to leave there loved ones...i just think this world is just based on money in which it is..people dont care thats the problem..but i am sure this global warming thing wont happen in your lifetime..or mine...

  10. please don't worry about 2012.  Do you think that a pack of savages in the jungles of mexico know anything about the year 2012.??

    They were too busy raping other villages' women, and sacrificing virgins to have any clue about the future.

    THey were brainless savages.

    Similarly, the global warming n***s are brainless savages, who are bent on raping and killing the young people of our time.

    I hope al gore gets gored.

  11. I don't think about it all the time but believe it is probably happening and the results plausible but i also believe if there is any kind of crisis from ice caps melting and disrupting the sea water flow and dramatic changing the weather man kind will find ways to cope, every one could do there part but you cannot stop the effects only slow them down, incidentally there's allot of industry in china that is going to speed up the effects, so the only options left are to A remove green house gasses from the atmosphere (my guess is this will not happen and any scientist who finds out how to do this inexpensively and to a very large scale will actually lead to a new kind of terrorism with the threat of the atmosphere being drained thus dramatically  cooling the earth.... but don't worry no scientist will make such a device and I'm just waffling) or B we will have to learn to cope with the changes and we will.

    So don't worry

    Also were the heck did people get the whole 2012 thing from.... some say it's from the calendar thing... but that actually ends somewhere in the year 5000.. this is just going to be like the year 2000 where people thought all technologies would break down, there would be countless explosions plane crashes.. .etc

    Don't worry about the year 2012 the only reason allot of people talk about it is because of the press used to talk about it in newspapers because it sold papers and allot of people are gullible.

  12. If you believe the science, global warming has been happening for thousands of years since we came out of the last ice age. There is no planetary thermostat that is going to keep us at some magic temperature. To think that our presence here is the sole cause of the fluctuations in temperature is ignorant and foolish. That being said, we have a responsibilty to be good stewards of the Earth and we aren't doing the best job we can.

    Do your part to reduce what you use and the mess you create and don't sweat it.

  13. Dearest fearful, 16 years or 100 years old no one  wants die and I mean no one. You have to understand that are not going to one moment before your time. The church of Global Warming preach fear to young people like you, because young people are easy to control, and fear is great tool to use, in controlling people.

    Do a test,  test to prove or disprove Global warming take meter outside your home lets say five feet away, with the a/c on open the door to your home, check the meter both before an after opening the door. What you will find is nothing happens. The same is true with heat.

    Don't believe the fear, don't believe Al Gore he lies. Don't be controlled by fear, live free.  

  14. I care and think about it.  I try to make sure that every action I take is as eco-friendly as possible.

  15. I think about it every time I fill up my truck or pay my electric bill.  There are other things in the world worth worrying about like the government making up things just to steel your freedoms.  I worry about my children growing up in a country and never knowing what true freedom is.  Quit worrying over myths.  The earths climate changes, that's what it does.  

  16. Me too. I don't usually get as paranoid about global warming as I do running out of resources like steel and aluminum. I always get that thought in the back of my mind that we are gonna run out of steel in the US then have to import it at extemely high prices from countries that hate us. (just like oil).

  17. there is more to life then living in fear, dear :)

  18. Might I just say that my grandfather told me this piece by a very intelligent man. It has served me well in evaluating things over the last 60 years.

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    H. L. Mencken  

  19. Not me because I know for a fact that it is all hype and propaganda.

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