
Who else is really sad summer is ending?

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I'm really sad because I keep remembering how much I wanted summer to come at the end of last year's school year and remember how happy I was during the summer without the stress and homework, and how nice the days were, I'm also really sad because I'm in my last years of highschool and this summer was the last of my freedom, does anyone feel the same way or have any idea how I can do anything to stop this end of summer depression? All answers are greatly appreciated




  1. I'm not.  Winter is my favorite time of the year.

  2. I'm sad that it's ending, but I predict that it will be back.

  3. lol me 2. i don't know why, but im in tears reading your question. ahhhhhh its my last year old middle skool. anyway if i didnt answer your question already yes!!

  4. I don't

  5. I love summer too!  I'm older than you are though, and I believe there are things you haven't realized yet.. or just need reminding of :)

    One thing you just mentioned is "the stress".  Find ways to cut the stress down.  Seriously, even if you have to drop a class.  You have to like school and succeed, as well.  School can be enjoyable - Just do your best, and don't stress out thinking about it - Find fun things instead.

    And School doesn't last forever - That one you'll Love!!  You're studying now to make the big bucks - sooner than you realize.  It seems like I was in High School just yesterday.. Don't worry, when you show up at the Class Reunion(s) looking sharp, with a great job, you'll know why.

    And then you can afford better and bigger (and longer)! vacations..:)

    Trust me, the best is yet to come.  And always remember, summer's ending, sure but only for this year!  It'll be back.. regular as clockwork, and you'll always find time to enjoy it.  We all go through those 'end of summer' blues.  I'm trying Hard NOT to think about it right now, but then, there IS Christmas...:)

  6. i am,

    all ppl here in canada are sad!

  7. just make sure u have funnnn this year, the weekends r always opportunities to find parties

  8. I sure aint.

  9. I am older than you, but getting through the end of highschool is a good thing. Imagine summer vaccation for the rest of your life. Once you're 18 all you do is exactly what you want. I just moved to a new state, and I hear it rains almost every day when summer ends! Just look forward to seeing all your friends, and remember to stay on top of your homework, so it doesn't get stressful. You can have fun later in the week and on weekends! Just remember to have a lot of fun while you're young, and don't do anything you will regret when you're older.

  10. Hey I know how you feel, specially because is your last year of high school...I felt that way when i was going to be a senior...I was thinking next summer I'm gonna be working or going to college who knows, but for sure i would not be in high school and got really depress, but everything turn out good...didn't go to college (please tell me you are) started working and living the real world...don't be depress is just a face that you'll be able to survive..I'm also sad summer is ending because short wearing season is over...

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