
Who else is sick of people saying kobe doesn't play team ball?

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People say kobe hasn't learned how to play team ball yet. If he really hasn't then i could say steve nash and chris paul both aren't even close to playing team ball since neither of them have even been to the finals, let alone won a title. If you actually watch the lakers instead of looking at the box score he doesn't hog the ball, the triangle offense requires everybody gets touches, not just one guy. So i guess you could say the offense he plays in prevents him from hogging the ball.




  1. If he gave the ball to someone else everytime he had it, then that team would not win a single game. All i'm saying is that the rest of the team do not have competition.

  2. no. first, he cries and demands to be traded. but when the team is winning with Gasol, he acts like he is the team's savior and decides to shut his mouth before they start losing again. if you watched game 4 of the Finals, he did NOTHING to try and stop the Celtics from recovering a 24-pt deficit in the 3rd quarter. and in game 6, he simply quit on his team... i liked our team better when Shaq was here.

  3. cry too much?!?! why wouldn't you complain when you've won 3 championships and since then, you've lost in the finals, didn't make it to the playoffs and then lose in the first round the next 2 years? who hear doesn't complain about their job when nothing is going right? yes, none of those players that you named have ever complained or asked to be traded? but who from those players have won championships and then was surrounded with bad teammates and started losing year after year? none, so they had nothing to complain about. none of those players have ever experienced the frustration that kobe did, he had every right to complain. yes, kobe complained and asked to be traded but when that didn't happen, he went back to work and won the mvp in the regular season and got his team to the finals. who was the last mvp to take his team to the finals? the previous 4 couldn't do it. and stop referring to the finals, the celtics beat the c**p out of the entire laker team. they were simply the better team who was built to win the championship last season and that's exactly what they did. i'm not making excuses for the lakers when it comes to the finals, they got their a$$es beat, no question about that. all credit goes to the celtics and their team defense. but yes, i'm sick of people saying he doesn't play team ball and i'm sick of people saying he cries and complains. he just won the mvp and took his team to the finals, how can you say he doesn't play team ball? he was complaining about how his job went from winning championships to losing year after year, who wouldn't complain about that?

  4. thank u so much man i hate wen pplsay that **** i agree with u 100% f*** all kobe haters

  5. Why is it that anytime anyone say anything negative about Kobe, kobefanboy here called them a hater?  Grow up.

    Depressed Laker Fan is correct.  Kobe cried too much.  Throughout NBA history, no one is a fan favorite when the cry too much about not winning.  Please tell me a single player that did what Kobe did and still have everyone praising him?

    Jordan never did such a thing.  Neither did Malone or Stocton or Magic.

  6. People want to believe bad things about Kobe whether it's true or not. They know how great he played last year, but they have nothing else to get on him about, so they bring up his old style of play. Some people don't even watch basketball and comment on his game.

  7. well, people are stupid anyway. they can't take it. KOBE is the best basketball player on the face of the earth today. who is better than Kobe? and please tell me why? and please compare there accomplishment as a player.

    kobe plays the same game as MJ did, on the aspect of the game. defense and offense.

    unfortunately for him, MJ and Pip didn't had the feud like he does with shaq. and unfortunately for him, people can't love him like how they did MJ because he's no MJ!

    but basketball wise, same skills and ability, well, except MJ had that ridiculous competitiveness that Kobe must learn to have!!

  8. i am very tired of people saying he dosent play team ball. If you look at the finals records  had quite alot if assts. And when he does get the ball and shoots its nothing but a wet three pointer.

  9. i agree 110%. very well said.

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