
Who else is sick of the Global warming/Climate change Hoax?

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Who else is sick of the Global warming/Climate change Hoax?





    This one is for you buddy.

    Carbon doesn't make the suns rays hotter.  All they do is trap the freaking rays inside our atmosphere.  And the water level rises dummy.  A whole freaking lot too.  Almost all of New York City will be underwater.  Half of the state of florida.

    Maybe you should hear both sides of the story before you make up your mind and don't believe anything environmentalists say just because they're environmentalists.


    This one is for you

    It's not a hoax.  Global warming is happening.  Im just sad that people wont realize it until there is a crisis.  (Just like how people didn't get fuel efficient cars until gas went up)  and yes, if we didn't use so much gas 5 years ago we would have cheaper gas today.

  2. U all have missed the point. The Democrats are using it as an excuse of why not to drill.They will do nothing to help us out in the price of oil.Need to let the Democrats either do the job or get out...

  3. I don't think it's exactly a hoax... more a scheme to make money! YES, I AM SICK OF IT!!

    Don't you find it odd that it was "global warming" and now that it's getting cooler, it's become "climate change"? It seems like the Radical Environmentalists change their agenda on the data... The data doesn't seem to follow their agenda, but the other way around.

    *Down with Big Brother*

  4. I am. The environazis are on the march and we will all suffer. You only have to get past 4th grade science to see the scam of it all.

  5. I am, its overrated and ridicolous they all nedd to just shut up and quit bitching about it!!!!!

  6. I would rather call it a misunderstanding than a hoax. The scientific evidence against the theory is seldom ever glanced at by the majority of the population.

  7. I think their confusion comes from a lack of knowledge of science.

    Carbon does not raise the temperature of the Earth, rather increased heat causes increases in Carbon.

    They have no evidence that anything bad will come from this either.  Perhaps the water level will go down a bit, but who says this is abnormal?  Who says the world can't repair itself, it seems to have done it so far.

  8. Why do you say it is a hoax?  Really...I'd seriously like to know.

  9. hmmm

  10. Then do something about it. Make sure that you vote for the right people in office. Get much more involved with the politics in your country. It is my belief that there is going to be a showdown to some extent with the environmental extremists.

    We cannot continue down the path (much of it deception) and expect our economy to continue to thrive. To cave into these people and accept what they say at face value will inevitably have a catastrophic effect on our economy and the way we live!

  11. ME....(waving hand over head)....

    There is NO Global warming. The world goes in cycles...and we are in that cycle. It will always does.

    There is No Global Warming

    There is no global warming. Period.

    You can't find a real scientist anywhere in the world who can look you in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and or but...say "yes, global warming is with us."

    There is no evidence whatsoever to support such claims. Anyone who tells you that scientific research shows warming trends - be they teachers, news casters, Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents or Presidents - is wrong. There is no global warming.

    Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly - .037 degrees Celsius.

    A little research into modern-day temperature trends bears this out. For example, in 1936 the Midwest of the United States experienced 49 consecutive days of temperatures over 90 degrees. There were another 49 consecutive days in 1955. But in 1992 there was only one day over 90 degrees and in 1997 only 5 days.

    Because of modern science and improved equipment, this "cooling" trend has been most accurately documented over the past 18 years. Ironically, that's the same period of time the hysteria has grown over dire warnings of "warming."

    Changes in global temperatures are natural. There is no proof that temperature is affected by anything that man has done.

    In fact, recent severe weather has been directly attributed to a natural phenomenon that occurs every so often called El Nino. It causes ocean temperatures to rise as tropical trade winds actually reverse for a time.

    The resulting temperature changes cause severe storms, flooding and even draught on every continent on earth.

    It's completely natural. El Nino has been wreaking its havoc across the globe since long before man appeared.

    How about the reports that the polar ice cap is melting?

    Well, yes it is. In fact, it has been for about a million years or so. We are at the end of the ice age in which ice covered most of North American and Northern Europe.

    There's at least one environmentalist, named Al Gore, who is panicking over the possibility that we may soon lose Glacier National Park in Montana because the ice is melting.

    One hates to tell him that we've already lost the glacier that used to cover the whole country.

    Perhaps he'll want to start working for new regulations from the Interior Department to begin immediately restoring this lost historical environmental treasure. Re-establishing a sheet of ice covering the entire continent would certainly serve to stop mining, timber cutting and urban sprawl.

    The truth is, someday humans may be able to take tropical vacations at the North Pole - and it will be perfectly natural.

    Yet our world is being flooded with the dire predictions of Global Warming.

    We are being warned of killer heat waves, vast flooding and the spread of tropical diseases. Ocean levels are rising, they say. America's coast lines are doomed, they tell us. Hurricanes and tornadoes have already become more violent, we are warned. Floods and droughts have begun to ravage the nation, they cry.

    Any change in temperatures, or an excessive storm or extended flooding is looked upon as a sure sign that environmental Armageddon is upon us. Diabolical environmentalists are using the natural El Nino phenomenon to whip people into a Global Warming hysteria.


    We are assured by the White House that scientists everywhere are sounding these warmings and that we may only have one chance to stop it.

    Well, as the debate rages, we find that there really are two kinds of "scientists."

    There are those who look at facts and make their judgements based on what they know.

    Their findings can be matched by any other scientist, using the same data and set of circumstances to reach the same conclusions. It's a age-old practice called peer reviewing. It's the only true science.

    And then there are those who yearn for a certain outcome and set about creating the needed data to make it so. Usually you will find this group of scientists greatly dependent on grants supplied by those with a specific political agenda who demand desired outcomes for their money.

    Let's just take NASA, for example - the most trusted name in American science.

    A lot of NASA scientists have fallen into this trap. Environmental science has become the life-blood of the space program as the nation has lost interest in space travel. To keep the bucks coming, NASA has justified shuttle trips through the use of earth-directed environmental research. And the budgets keep coming.

    At the same time, many of NASA's scientists come with a political agenda in great harmony with those who advocate the green agenda. And they're not above using their position to aid that agenda whenever the chance is available.

    This was never more clearly demonstrated than in 1992 when a team of three NASA scientists were monitoring conditions over North America to determine if the Ozone layer was in danger.

    Inconclusive data indicated that conditions might be right for ozone damage over North America, if certain things happened.

    True scientists are a careful lot. They study, they wait and, many times they test again before drawing conclusions.

    Not so, the green zealot. Of this three-member NASA team, two could not be sure of what they had found and wanted to do more research.

    But one took the data and rushed to the microphones, with all of the drama of a Hollywood movie, announced in hushed tones that NASA had discovered an Ozone hole over North America.

    Then Senator Al Gore rushed to the floor of the Senate with the news and drove a stampede to immediately ban freon - five years before Congress had intended - and without a suitable substitute. He then bullied President George Bush to sign the legislation by saying the Ozone hole was over Kennebunkport - Bush's vacation home.

    Two months later NASA announced, on the back pages of the newspapers, that further research had shown that there was no such damage. But it was too late. Remember that when you have to buy a new air conditioner or refrigerator for no reason other than your freon has run out of the old one.


    Then there are those computer models. Night after night Americans watch the local news as the weatherman predicts what kind of a day tomorrow will be. These meteorologists, using the most up-to-date equipment available, boldly give you the five-day forecast.

    But it's well known that, even with all of their research and expensive equipment, it really is just a "best guess." There are just too many variables. If the wind picks up here it could blow in a storm, if the temperature drops here it could start to snow. The earth is a vast and wondrous place. Weather does what it wants.

    Yet those who are promoting the global-warming theory have the audacity to tell you they can forecast changes in the global climate decades into the future.

    The truth is computer models are able to include only two out of 14 components that make up the climate system. To include the third component would take a computer a thousand times faster than we now have. To go beyond the third component requires an increase in computer power that is so large only mathematicians can comprehend the numbers.

    Moreover, even if the computer power existed, scientists do not understand all the factors and the relationships between them that determine the global climate.

    So it's an outrage for Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the Sierra Club to tell you that Global Warming is a fact and that we Americans must now suffer dire changes in our lifestyle to stop it.


    And so too is it an outrage for Al Gore to tell you that most true scientists now agree that global warming is a fact.

    What he doesn't tell you is that almost 500 scientists from around the world signed the Heidleburg Appeal in 1992 just prior to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, expressing their doubts and begging the delegates not to bind the world to any dire treaties based on global warming. Today that figure has grown to over 4000.

    He also doesn't tell you that recently a Gallup Poll of eminent North American climatologists showed that 83 percent of them debunked the global warming theory.

    And the deceit knows no bounds. The United Nations released a report at the end of 1996 saying Global Warming was a fact, yet before releasing the report two key paragraphs were deleted from the final draft.

    Those two paragraphs, written by the scientists who did the actual scientific analysis said:

    1. "none of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases."

    2. "no study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to causes."

    Global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the world - bar none.


    Those who have been fighting against the green agenda have been warning that modern-day environmentalism has nothing whatsoever to do with protecting the environment.

    Rather it is a political movement led by those who seek to control the world economies, dictate development and redistribute the world's wealth.

    They use the philosophical base of Karl Marx, the tactics of Adolph Hitler and the rhetoric of the Sierra Club.

    The American people have been assaulted from all directions by rabid environmentalists.

    School children have been told that recycling is a matter of life and death.

  12. I'm frustrated with the amount of political money & media negativity that surrounds it.  When has the media ever got a story right?  Probably not since WW2.

    I also thought Adopted's link was very interesting, especially the part about natural variations of CO2 being greater than the total human contributions.

  13. You may not have realized this, but if you didn't hang around the Environment - Global Warming section of Yahoo Answers, you wouldn't hear nearly as much about it. If you aren't interested in learning a little about the subject, why on earth are you here?

  14. Whats annoying is the people that dont listen to cold hard facts....if thousands of scientists told you smoking will cause cancer and drinking beer will make you drunk then why listen to them and not these thousands of scientists?  Because its easier to sit back and pollute and live the life your used to then get up and make a difference and break the staus takes time, energy and a bit of money that will pay back in the end, but thats way to much to ask for now...

  15. Actually, I'm much more sick of people that don't understand science or have any evidence calling something of real concern a "hoax".


    Jello - Are you quoting me? I'm touched. We both know which one of us understands science better.

  16. ME!!!! And everyone who says that it is happening while they don't know anything about it.

  17. Actually, I'm much more sick of people who don't understand science and who would rather follow a crowd, or consensus rather than work to find solid objective science.

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