
Who else is sick of the fact that...?

by  |  earlier

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there are millions of Obama supporters,

mainly because it has become the cool thing to do,

or some type of fashionstatementt to support Obama.

Sadly, I think some of it lies on the fact that Obama is black.

I Support Obama

but these stupid 19 year old girls who think its cool to vote for Obama are giving us real supporters a bad rep.





  1. Stupid 19 year olds? It's all age of women. Wake up, Obama is cool with it, shouldn't that tell you something?

  2. You should be grateful for all supporters of a good candidate regardless of their reasons.  I don't see what there is to complain about.  If you wish to address this perceived situation then spend some time educating others as to why Obama is the better candidate.  

  3. I hope you are wrong in that info, At 19 these girls should know what he stands for. If they ever watched the HBO special called Iron Jawed Angels, It was about what those women went through for just the right to vote. And what really hit home for me, was it was not that long ago! They should run that movie in schools so maybe it would impact young girls the way it hit me. It was really well done. I try to remind young people, all I can of this. They are so lucky to have a candidate            like Obama to vote for. But they had better know him or any candidate before they go into that booth. It is such a gift for us to be able to choose our public officials. Many people in the world do not have this choice. We are very fortunate to live in America!   Go OBAMA!

  4. you may want to check YOUR affiliation then.

    Now go pay for all the "free" things Obama wants for all his disciples

  5. Some people vote based on how their parents did or for a load of other ridiculous reasons. That's exactly why I don't agree with referenda.

  6. Many Americans are.

    Obama has been dropping like a rock in the polls.

  7. thank you! but hey as long as they vote obama, we are still good!

  8. Whatever legal means it takes for Obama to win the Presidency is alright with me.  

  9. If they knew anything about Obama and his policies they would not vote for him. It's sad but Obama is depending on small minds and it's working his plan is to Europinize America it won't work!   McCain 08'

  10. Yes those silly kids like him because he is cool.

    They are not as sophisticated as you who like him because of hope and change.

    Congratulations for being so enlightened.

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