
Who else is sick of this corporate world?

by  |  earlier

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everything involves competition, everyone thinks they have to compete with one another to become the best, and when we compete there are always losers, im sick of it, i dont need to be part of this




  1. I agree! look where its got the world...not so good is it.

  2. so come live with me in canada and we can be vampire hippies together serious....

  3. heck ya son

  4. You have a good point, but I think there has to be winners and losers for the world to function. Look at the USSR and communist China. They decided to eliminate competition and make everyone equal; look where it got them.

  5. Shut your face little kidd...

    you haven't graduated high skoo yet...

  6. Then don't be. That type of world only exists because consumers become willing participants. If there is no one to participate, then corporate America goes down.

  7. Yes.. they have a death-grip on us & want the entire WORLD under their thumb(s)..  as in "New World Order" - our 'American' Military-Industry-Media-Complex has an endless, voracious appetite.

    The best places I can think of - the highest "quality of life" would be: (alphabetically) - Australia..  Denmark, France & the south seas islands..

  8. The corporate world hires people!  Get a clue!

  9. Corporate = Curruption & Briberry.

  10. Sorry dude but we humans have been competing for survival since the beginning of time and I don't see any end in sight.  If you don't want to be a part of this then the alternative is not looking very good.  Hang in there man and it'll be alright.

  11. Stephanie is absolutely correct.  I don't like it I choose to move away from that mentality as much as possible.  I work in a school with young children where competition and working for the almighty dollar isn't the only satisfaction of the job.  But even so, who pays my salary?  The people who work for corporations and pay taxes.  It seems crazy sometimes that our society is based on what you have described, but it is nonetheless.  You can only remove yourself from it so have a place to live and clothes and maybe a car, (obviously a computer and internet connection), so to some extent we have to play a part in it just to survive.

  12. I agree with you!

  13. Buy a cheap acre off a dirt road. Ask a realtor.

  14. The corprorate worldview is a death trip, that enslaves us all. While giving us the illusion of freedom, and there will be little meaningful higher progress until the spell that the corporate worldview has cast over the masses is broken. peace M.

  15. well there will always be losers and winners whether they compete or not, i personally dont care in competition, but dont care if i lose it only means that i have much to improve and if i really care i will improve. is just a matter of accepting yourself when you lose or win.

  16. Lack and limitation are the result of wrong thinking - not the corporate world. In America , anybody can obtain success; but they have to be willing to want it. The possibilities for happiness and success are endless . Our future is entirely in our own control. Feel Good.

  17. The stereotypical capitalist answer to this is, "well if you don't like this system, why don't you go move to a communist country?"  But there is something to be said for such a response.  You see, we've tried--many times, in many countries--systems where there was little or no competition.  Where everyone is guaranteed a job, even if it's sweeping streets your whole life, and heart surgeons are paid the same as janitors.

    The result has been, 100% of the time, widespread misery, chronic shortages of everything, universal poverty, and eventually, societal collapse.  The reasons for this are many, but what it boils down to is that the laws of economics--especially supply and demand--can not be ignored, and far and away the best mechanism for handling supply & demand is a market economy.  The "losers" in a capitalist society are almost always still better off than the average person in a non-competitive (i.e. non-market, i.e. communist) society.

    Now that's not to say that businesses are always perfect little angels.  When businesses wield too much power in gov't, that can be almost as bad as when gov't wields too much power over businesses.  Corporatism, i.e. mercantilism, is not the same thing as capitalism or free markets.  For the same reasons that it's best to keep gov't and religion separate, it is also best to keep gov't and the economy as separate as is feasible.

    If you're really so sick of competition but still want to reap the rewards of a capitalist society, then go solo.  Start your own business or become a free agent.  Or take a job that doesn't involve a lot of competition, like artist...or janitor.  You could also become a musician or author, those professions are very competitive at the top but if you're satisfied with mediocrity then you could probably eke out a living.

  18. Competition is not the only problem. Very often the wrong people are the winners. People who are ruthless towards other humans and towards our environment, people who cheat and manipulate others, people who bully and intimidate others  are usually the winners in the corporate world. People who are honest, sincere and who care about other humans and the earth we share together are normally losers in the corporate world. But we are not alone and rational thought tells us that compassion and cooperation is crucial to the survival of this earth and with it all humans together

  19. You're not alone. Lots of people are sick of it. It makes the world a c**p place to live. We only need food, s*x, drugs & music. Lerts chill out a little.....

  20. Power and greed Corporations, rule congress, most all of them, both parties. Wal-Mart buys the most of all from China

    and forced that on manufactures, Super rich elites want a

    new world order. B.Franklin, "Merchants have no country"

  21. I agree AND disagree

    There are right times to compete and wrong times,

    And yes sometimes it does get out of hand.

    But really its part of life

    Love ya though

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