
Who else is sickened, by this aparisal of bombing Georgia?

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I'm deeply sickened and disgusted by the people (and there sadly seems to be many of them) who are praising the bombing and killings throughout Georgia. When you tell them that Georgia is no longer in South Osettia, they don't care, they are h**l bent on murdering innocent civilans throughout Georgia. They are even talking about conquering the country, removing a democratically elected government and replacing it with a regime that is not accountable to the will of the Georgian people, or even worse inturning it, in an empire style conquering. They support Russia's rejection of a ceasefire proposal, put forward by European diplomats and support Russia, ignoring pleas from the international community.

Who else, is sickened, by there apraisals of the Russian airforce bombing civilans throughout Georgia?

PS. (This is for) Alex A, please don't answer this question, i already know what it's going to be. Your copying and pasting the same question over and over again in every question. Everywhere i go, i see your same answer. What are you, a spam bot or something? Please stop it! It's really annoying!! STOP IT!!




  1. Actually I had been holding back on this subject trying to sort through all the rubbish that is on the web and reported in the news. I'm still not positive who did what to whom and when, But there are claims that Georgia has not withdrawn from Osettia. I really do not know the truth.

  2. Russia is still thought of with love by the liberals as the Soviet Union was their paradise on Earth.

  3. i have no idea thats happening

  4. i dont really care, its not my problem

  5. It's sick but not at all suprising. In reality, the cost of human lives is nothing to that of fuel (how strange that the Russians have targetted the oil pipelines, no?) but for people to condone it is f*cking sick, man. Those people need to get a grip on reality, as they clearly have no idea what they are talking about.

  6. Are there two sides to the story?  Putins press man said they'd intervened because the Georgians were ethnic cleansing the area of Russian people living there.  Why do we doubt that is possible?  Is this not what happened in Africa?

    I am pro American but the Arabs are seen as evil by them and us without realising what happened in 1945 when Israel was forced on the Palestinians.

    So no explanation of the Georgia situation is fully described or discredited.

    Perhaps oil is king?  

  7. yes its terrible

  8. Yea me 2. But the Russians will want to take over Georgia, I know that for a fact. Russians troops have taken Gori a city well outside of the S. Ossetia conflict.

  9. This is regional power politics at its best!With Russia letting every one know it is the undisputed leader in the area!

    Without any doubt!Russia is over doing  the use of force now!Ss it has unleashed unnecessary use of aerial bombardment against the civilian population!

    I agree with the questioner!It is sickening!

  10. Be sickened by something closer to home. The U.S. treasury has been emptied by the U.S. Congress and the thieves left a $10 trillion IOU.

    Why are talking about brawls in Russia and the Mideast. Are you an American or some airhead druggie from the burbs playing on mommy's computer?

  11. Are you an American? If so, you shouldn't be lecturing Russia on the evils of imperialism. We Americans do plenty of collateral damage ourselves.  

  12. Which appraisal do you refer to? Do you have a link?

  13. The Russians are teaching them a lesson that Georgia can not invade independent provinces and think that there will be no consequences

    Go russia. **** GEORGIA UP

  14. There are so many sick fools in the world now that its beginning  to resemble a madhouse . To praise any sort of bombing innocent people

    just shows the total ignorance and indifference to other peoples suffering. If it happened to them they would wet there nappies . They all show there low intelligence by believing the Russian propaganda hook line and sinker , A world of ignorant fools indeed it is .

  15. i have no idea that this is happening as-well and can you be my mate please

  16. Russia just might get away with this because they know that the west will not risk a world war emanating from such a conflict. I think they would have a real problem though if they had the courage to invade any of the states such as Lithuania or Estonia as they are in NATO. This would then trigger of a major reaction from the West, Russia knows that.  

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