
Who else is thrilled that Casey Anthony is back in jail without bail?

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Who else is thrilled that Casey Anthony is back in jail without bail?




  1. She NEVER should have been released to begin with.  The truth will come out - she killed her baby and her parents are covering up for Casey - how sad!  That poor precious angel baby never had a chance.  Pray for her!!!  

  2. I am. Does anybody believe anything she ever said ? Her lawyer

    should get a medal for dealing with her.Well, I am sure his bill will

    be proper compensation.

    She should  have never been out in the first place. What was the bail bondsman thinking ?

    If we could only find the little girl. I am very surprised that the

    Psychics have not turned up anything.

    I am so sure that Cayle is not too far away.

    Casey's Father having been a Policeman knows much more than he


    And of all people the parents should be thankful that so many people care about little Cayle. Her parents pretending for so long that Cayle

    is alive and well with somebody has made things so much worse.

    I feel for them because they really seem to love the little one.

    Just think. A reward of $ 225.000.00 would have enticed anybody to return Cayle in any condition.

    What a monster Casey is to put her Family through such trauma.

    May she rot in h**l. If anyone deserves to go there, she does.


  3. Casey is back where she belongs; I would like to see Cindy Anthony in jail also for obstructing justice.  

  4. Well, I will tell you this: she definitely had something to do with the disappearance and possible murder of her daughter!!  The fact that she has been lying all along should have been more of a red flag of her consciousness of guilt!!  It is about time women are held accountable to the police for their lies!

  5. I think that they should have left her alone. She would have eventually led them to the baby, but the OPD obviously can't see that. I also think that Casey's parents know what happened to Calley. She can not s***w up if she is in jail, and she is not the brightest light bulb on broadway, so she would have screwed up.

  6. I'm glad, she knows what she did. Especially with all the evidence of her calls to her parents on the day of her child's death. And then to go and bury her. I just don't understand why the police or citizens, haven't organized a sweep of that entire area where her cell phone was triangulated to.  

  7. its sad all the way around.

  8. I am..but it is sad to see ..I think she has something to do with the death of that poor child..very sad indeed...

  9. yes who wouldn't be, shes a lier and she knows what happened to her kid

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