
Who else is tired of the music young people listen to this days?

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I'm 16 but I'm tired of all the rap, hip hop, screamo and bulls hit.

I mean screamo, it's ok to get little parts in some songs but not the hole song.

I prefer like Classic rock, Reggae, World anybody else?




  1. SAME!! I am tired of people being so obsessed with Hip-Hop/Rap and "Emo music". I personally have never been into either. I listen to everything from Chris Brown to Josh Groban.

  2. I agree alot of the music thats (in style isnt very good).

    I think that its just something that will go away like a bad style

    Im 26 but I do consider myself a music lover.

    I like reggae, right now im into MANO CHAO!

    I like Amy winehouse and duffy.

    gwen / PORTER/ ZOE/ i dont know but I dont care for screamo how do you just chill and have that as your music! sorry  

  3. Sweetie I agree Im giving you a star

  4. Whatever someone else listens to doesn't bother me (unless it's blaring at a stopped traffic light) because I can always tune to something else if I don't like it. But I do like a wide variety - including those you mentioned - and it's good to remember that just like in the visual arts, even the stuff you don't like is important as an expression of the human condition and stepping stone in the evolution of the medium as well as the human psyche.

  5. I'm probably not young by your standards... but I listen to all kinds of music for a different perspective.  I'm not a fan of hard core rap or screamo, but I understand where the fans are coming from.  I Dee Jay sometimes on weekends and overnights for a classic rock station, so that's my thing... but I don't deny anyone else their thing !

  6. No man.

    I love all kinds of music, some hip hop is fun, so is a little bit of rap, heavy, classic, reggae, country, and oldies. I can't just stick to one genre, my music selection is really bi-polar.  

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