
Who else is upset about Obama's previous comments....?

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When Obama was running for the Senate in Illinois (where I am from), he told everyone time and time that he had no intentions of running for the Presidency. Yet, now here we are. He hasn't even had time to do anything for Illinois and he is running.




  1. obama needs to go home, I would say to Hawaii but they don't want him either.

  2. Although I am not a Obama supporter, I will say that as a Senator of Illinois, he HAS done much for your state.

    Didn't he get you tax credits?

    Reformed laws about police interrogations?

    I don't agree with his backing of wanting the Govmnt to back churches, but whatever.

  3. Well now he can do for the whole country as president.What's wrong with changing ones mind?

  4. Why upset???? Most politicians don't have there eyes set on the Presidency initially.........stuff happens you get the $$$$$$ and the support and you make a go of it.....  

  5. Well i'm pretty sure he's busy and dont you guys have a governor or something??!

    I like everything Obama says.  

  6. Why should that upset anyone?

    McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time.  Here is a list of the accomplishments of the Bush administration.

    * Misleading us about Iraq's WMD

    * Implying a connection between Saddam and 9/11

    * Launching a war that's killed 4, 150 Americans and wounded more than 30, 000

    * Challenging Iraqi insurgents to attack U.S. troops: "Bring 'em on"

    * Granting no-bid contracts to Halliburton in Iraq

    * Failing to respond to Hurricane Katrina

    * Hiring unqualified crony to run FEMA

    * Praising crony's performance: "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job"

    * Neglecting reconstruction of New Orleans' homes and levees Promising American troops would be greeted as liberators

    * Declaring "Mission Accomplished" and later blaming the banner on troops

    * Cherry-picking facts about WMDs in Iraq, then blaming the CIA

    * Promising the Iraq war would lower gas prices

    * Claiming the Iraqi insurgency was in its "last throes" in 2005

    * Allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape

    * Launching a war that's killed countless Iraqi civilians

    * Using Terri Schiavo for political gain

    * Attempting to alter Constitution to allow discrimination against g*y people

    * Wiretapping our phones without court order

    * Stealing the 2000 election (remember Katherine Harris, voter purges, and the Supreme Court?)

    * Concealing the pre-9/11 Presidential Daily Briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

    * Enforcing abstinence-only programs in public schools

    * Rejecting the Kyoto Treaty to stop climate change

    * Giving tax cuts to the rich while spending record amounts

    * Failing seniors with the costly Medicare prescription drug benefit

    * Swiftboating John Kerry

    * Outing CIA agent Valerie Plame to retaliate for truth about Iraq's WMDs

    * Telling the 45 million uninsured Americans to just go to the emergency room

    * Spending $341 million a day in Iraq (Iraq has a budget surplus)

    * Neglecting wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center

    * Allowing Afghanistan to fall into chaos, with the Taliban and al Qaeda regaining control

    * Holding prisoners without trial at Guantanamo Bay

    * Covering up torture at Abu Ghraib

    * Breaking the Geneva Conventions

    * Forcing the Patriot Act into law

    * Turning a budget surplus into massive budget deficit

    * Letting more than a million homes go into foreclosure—the highest rate ever recorded

    * Setting the record for most days on vacation by any president in U.S. history

    * Increasing nuclear threat by withdrawing from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia

    * Holding secret meetings with Exxon Mobil, Conoco, Shell, and BP to set energy policy

    * Letting gas prices double while resisting fuel efficiency and clean energy  

  7. well you had had him as a State Senator for 8 years and maybe before spouting do a bit of research.

    He gave you a tax credit

    he gave you better access to health care

    he gave you less people on the tax rolls by promoting job re-training

    In addition he had had no intention of running. It was another fellow IL Senator who convinced him to run. It took d**k Durbin 1/2 a year to convince him to run

  8. Muslims will not stop until they dominate the world.

  9. That was at least a few years ago.  Palin said just earlier this year that she didn't want to run as VP...but here she with all of her pregnant daughter, ethics investigation, and lets have Alaska recede from the U.S. baggage.  Nice pick McCain.

  10. bla bla bla, nobody is upset about a politician saying one thing and doing another, it happens all the time

  11. It's a little late for you to be venting your frustrations. Where have you been this past year?

  12. Nothing to be upset about....... He has been elected to represent Democrats for the presidency. Be happy for him and proud he came from your state, and most importantly, don't be a lass.

  13. He has nothing to show all he wants is to be the first black president.

    The liberals will try and vote him in and he will do as much for this country as he has done for Illinois which is nothing McCain08'

  14. Doesn't bother me, but what can i say?  People wanted him to run.  

  15. People change their minds.

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