
Who else just can't seem to have any paranormal experiences?

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I have always heard stories about people and their paranormal experiences. These experiences have led many people to believe that ghosts are indeed real. However, I don't always believe that ghosts are real. I mean, I have never seen a ghost or at least I don't think I have seen one.

Yet, why is it that some people seem to be born naturally with paranormal abilities?

Also, is there a reason that some people like me never have paranormal experiences, where as other people always seem to have encounters with the paranormal?




  1. There are people who are sensitive to paranormal phenomena, I believe they are called hypersensitives.  

    I have had some weird experiences, and I do believe there are ghosts in our world.  I always try to find a rational reason for anything before assuming it's a ghost or something strange.  

    I think people who do not believe tend to never consider that anything paranormal does not happen.  So whether they saw something or not, it does not affect them as it would a believer of ghosts, because some people will not believe anything paranormal is possible.  For example, they would always believe that an orb was a dust spot in camera lens.

    I think believers who never see anything are unlucky.  Maybe their mind is closed while others who do have  experiences are open?  I would like to know why myself.

  2. Sometimes, people are more "in tune" with the paranormal world, and this can be due to various things. Frequently, they were not shielded from it as being "unnatural" or "scary". Sometimes, it is due to a form of training, exercises which broaden your mind. Sometimes, it can even be due to deep relaxation, where your mind is opened and you can see beyond the ordinary.

    My own experiences were due to training in a place with tremendous energy; rarely has energy felt that good to me.

  3. I too have never had an experience requiring a paranormal explanation.  However, I would approach it from a different angle.  Rather than ask why some people are born with paranormal abilities--and thereby giving credence to unsubstantiated claims of the paranormal--I might ask why certain people *perceive* (or think they perceive) paranormal events while others do not.

    There is an old saying: "There is no such thing as a haunted house, only haunted people."

    EDIT: Sylvia Browne is a fraud and a criminal.

  4. The experience that made a believer out of me wasn't due to any abilities or (I hate this term) "powers". It was unexpected, unrequested and no effort was made to cause it. Nothing like it has ever happened to me again. I believe the real thing to be rare and somewhat random. It could happen to you, but you will be surprised to discover that it may not be what most people think it is.

  5. Everyone has them, they just don't realize it.

  6. In the past...I never had any..that I realized. (I think a lot of it has to do with that..."waking up" to it.)

    One thing that was kinds funny...probably my first experience..I always "talked to God"...but never heard him or anyone answer me. One time I kept hearing "" in my head. I God.."I keep hearing 'yes and no ' in my head...What are you trying to tell me???!!!" I then went to my bed..sat on a Bible (not for an answer ..just to read it. ) The book fell open to a page. I just happened to glance down at it . The very first sentence I read was.."The Lord does not answer 'yes and no'...He only answers 'yes'"! I screamed...dropped the Bible and said..."THIS BOOK IS ALIVE!!!!" LOL THAT was MORE than a "coincidence"!!

    After that...lots of paranormal things happened to me. It was extremely exciting and fascinating. But, I had no training or guidance in the paranormal...and so I was easily misled and a lot of bad things happened and I followed a lot of people who didn't give a flip about me or my family. careful what you wish for! If something does happen with careful who you tell and who you go to for guidance. Not everything spiritual is God!

  7. I believe Australia exists, even though I've never seen it.

    Likewise, I think you can believe in the paranormal without having direct personal experience.

    Personally, I have experienced things that other people might interpret as paranormal, but I've always managed to find a rational explanation. Quite often it's more down to other people's interpretation of events than whether something is genuinely paranormal.

  8. i hav'nt

  9. i have premonitions sometimes...usually in dreams...i had an out of body experience...bu that's about it

    i never seen a ghost or talked to one...

  10. Seeing things that aren't there is more of a 'disorder' than an 'ability'.

  11. My answer is me, there is a reason.Most paranormal experiences are made up stories.The people telling them are telling tales.They are not relating actual events.That's most,others are telling the truth.They've just misinterpreted actual events.For instance,claims of telekinetic or psychic powers like OBE's or communicating with the dead.Those folks are making it up for one reason or another.Claims of ghosts,demons,or even dowsing those folks could be telling the truth.Their version of it,are they honest,yes, accurate,no.

  12. I think a lot of people have them it's just that they do not pick up on what is happening or know what it is.

  13. Ever seen the Amityville Horror Shadows?

    Just be glad You haven't had any contact with The Other Side dude..most especially if You have any psychic ability at all.

    Psychics stand out like searchlights in the fog to ghosts and entities.

  14. i don't believe in ghost,no one has ever shown one shred of evidence under scientific scrutiny that there is life after death. a lot of people have made money out of films,books ect but when it comes down to it none of it is proven

  15. like any normal person, i see things from the corner of my eye and believe in ghosts....although i have never had a paranormal experience except i knew that y grandmother was going to die the day she did...and im not really proud of that "power"

  16. honestly, ive never once in my life experienced anything paranormal, other than creeking floors and electric shortages as a kid (yeah i know thats not paranormal im jsut being lame.) anyway, i dont think that so many people could just be insane and imagine all of this. i think theres got to be some truth behind it, just none that i personally have experienced. im not really asking to experience tho. maybe thats the problem, maybe i need to ask for it, rather than sitting back and expecting it to fall in my lap.

  17. I know I want to experience something like that!

    Sometimes I doubt there's such a thing as ghosts but, I just want to experience something!


    But, sometimes I do beleive there's people with special gifts and can see and/or predict stuff we can't.

    Like Sylvia Browne.

    I think she really can predict and see the future.

    She has proved to everyone she can.

    But, I don't know.

    Sylvia said that h**l is Earth!

    She said that when a person who did a few bad things when they were living and then die go to h**l!

    So, when they die they automaticly come back to Earth in the uterus of some woman!

    I still don't know if I should believe that!

  18. Join the club. I can't seem to have any paranormal experiences either, and it's not for lack of trying.

    I suspect that it's because "believing is seeing". If you believe strongly in the paranormal already, you're more likely to interpret seemingly mysterious events, sounds or visual illusions as paranormal happenings rather than realize that they have natural causes if you get up and investigate them.

  19. I don't know if mine was real or in my head.

    I worked in as Security in a 17th C. historical property and I would feel "coldness" pass through me (not like cold air or a draft) -- and it was really spooky.

    That's about it.


  20. I have had more paranormal experiences investigating places that were known to have paranormal activity.

    I hope your not sitting at home waiting  for a spirit to give you an experience.

    With that being said everyone is different, we all can't be Tiger Woods. Every one has their own abilities. I am sure you have talents no one else can do.

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