
Who else liked The Clone Wars?

by Guest57435  |  earlier

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Hey star wars fans I checked out the movie over the weekend and I really liked it. I thought it was a good addition to the "real" star wars movies. People claim that the animation was horrible and the character development was nonexistant and they might have a point. But we need to remember that this movie is trying to give the fans more feel of what it was like during the clone wars and I thought it was cool. I thought clone wars was way better than Attack of the Clones which was the worst SW movie of all time! Anyways heres another question for all fans. Would you prefer an animated Episodes 7-9 with all voices of the original cast who would be willing or would you like to see episodes 7-9 live action with a completely new cast taking over the roles of classic characters? Tough one.




  1. star wars sucks completely whoever saw that movie are really nerdy and are geeks i think every star war thing is for mega nerds and i wouldnt pay to see movies like that

  2. i think this movie ruined the star wars series.  

  3. I loved Clone Wars too!  I wasn't really sure that I liked the whole idea of animating Star Wars at first, but after seeing the movie, I do.  I thought that Asoka (sp?) was a great character and it was a smart move for them to add her in.

    As for the Episodes 7-9, that is a tough question.  I was actually discussing that with my brother the other day.  Animation would probably be easier, but if they did that, I would hope they'd animate the characters like final fantasy ones - very realistic.  But if they made it with real actors, it would be a lot harder to pull off.  It would have to be really good, with actors that looked and acted a lot like the original ones.  So over all, I really can't decide, I just hope they make them!  :)

  4. Had it been a straight to DVD or TV broadcast, I would've enjoyed it a bit more. Projected onto a big screen, however, (1) the limitation of lower budget animation (vs. say, Pixar effort) really shows and (2) expectation tends to be greater. In addition, it merely fills in some of the void between two Star Wars films (instead of creating something new with more open ended conclusion) and introduces new character about as annoying as Jar Jar Binks.

  5. I liked it.  

  6. it was ok i would like the original cast

  7. it's was a mistake to watch it. total waist of time and money

  8. Of course there wasnt any character development. What star wars fan doesnt know who Anikin Skywalker is? There was no point to go over it again. I liked the animation. I wouldnt mind an animated 7-9 with voices. Lets face it Mark Hamil isn't exactly 20 anymore LOL.

    Good Times

  9. The animation was terrible, and the movie over all sucked!

  10. Star Wars is cool.

  11.   yeah   it was  great .  

  12. ugh! it was such a kiddy movie my seven year old son loved it though it was good for introducing a new generation into Star Wars

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