
Who else likes Dungeons and Dragons?

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OK. I love, wait.. I am "obsessed" with Dungeons and Dragons. I love being nerdy and geeky, haha. Nothing wrong with that? Nope. I just wanted to see who else plays DnD, what is your favorite class/race/version of Dnd? Oo, if you have a Myspace.. Go ahead and add me, if you would like, so we can talk "nerdy". Here is my URL:




  1. I do. I am 38 years old and have been playing D&D since I was 10 years old.

    I enjoyed all the versions, and don't have a favorite version.  My preferred class is the wizard, and I like humans over other races. I'm not very good at RP'ing the non-human races.

    I am just about ready to teach my son D&D. He'll be 10 next year, and I plan to start his education next summer.

  2. Don't play , No one for miles around me to play with ,but i like the books . Dagon Lance , Forgotton Relms , Ravenloft

  3. ive never played, but would love to try

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