
Who else likes Janet Jackson?

by  |  earlier

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If so, are you going to see her new tour called the Rock Witchu Tour from September 10 - October 22? I know I am.




  1. i love her..but i don't like watching tours!!

  2. Yeah I do!!! But unfortunately I can't go to her tour!! =(((

  3. Yeah i like her. But i'm not going to see her on tour or anything.  

  4. Id admire who she is and how she dances and sings. Im fourteen and i have been as impressed by her as i have been by her brother Michael, I love both of them. I wish i could see her concert =( but i live in swizterland so i don't know if she is coming here or to europe at all.


  5. I like her and of course I'm going to see her new tour.

  6. I do , she rocks just like her brother Michael .. :)

    Yeah I'm going .. hope I see you there !!

  7. I lover her :-) but I don't have any money to go to a concert :-(

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