
Who else likes the movie Mamma Mia?

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I love it. I was singing all the songs under my breath because I know all of them off my ATEENS cd from 4th grade & plus I love the songs. I was dancing in my seat to the music. I also like the whole story of the movie and the neat costumes. It was also funny. xD




  1. i do and i also like 2 eat shite!!

  2. It looks great; I haven't seen it yet but I really want too!

  3. me,me,me it was so cute........

  4. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo... it!!!!!

  5. It was better than I expected and the actors did a great job with the songs! The setting was beautiful and it was pretty funny. I think I might go see it again.

  6. i love it

  7. Great musical movie. I had a little problem with the story line however. If the Mom was a "free love" hippy type-that era was in the 60's. The story is suppossed to be in present time, so that would make Mom's age around 60-ish and the daughter 40-ish. The 80's is a more believeable time line, but in that time of HIV scare and encouraged safe s*x it implies that the Mom was some kind of idiot. Maybe I missed the point completely.

  8. I loved it and I don't like Abba at all!


  10. i love it!

  11. omg as of right now its my favorite movie! lol im so serious

    it was an awesome movie

  12. it was very good but broadway was better

  13. Great movie! The singing was magnificent and I love the clothes. I liked the dress that the mom's tall friend wore when the mom told her and the other girl about the three guys, in the bathroom. awesome movie!

  14. it was good, but the broadway was muchhh better

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